What Will Happen If I Leave My Yeast Infection Untreated?
Can An Untreated Yeast Infection Cause Infertility? Because of the possible side effects of various sexually transmitted diseases some people are under the mistaken impression that a yeast infection could cause infertility or cervical cancer.
You'll be happy to hear that a yeast infection has no long term consequences for your reproductive system.
What Will Happen If I Leave My Yeast Infection Untreated? A yeast infection is not the most serious condition you can suffer from and if you leave it untreated it will often clear up eventually on its own but this only prolongs the annoyance, so it really is better to seek a suitable method of treatment.
In rare cases yeast infections can also lead to a blood condition known as sepsis so getting treatment really is the sensible option.
It is possible if you have repeated recurring yeast infections that you are suffering from a more more serious pre-existing medical problem that is causing the infections, in this case it is important that you take medical advise as soon as possible.
If you have a yeast infection but are putting of getting help, keep in mind that the condition is extremely common and easily treatable so there is no need to be embarrassed about your situation.
At the end of the day it is always preferable to take some sort of affirmative action whenever we have a health problem.
Even though it can seem like an avoidable hassle when we have other things in our life to worry about, seeking treatment, whether conventional or more holistic, is always worth effort.