Parent Involvement in the Schools
- The book "A New Generation of Evidence: The Family is Critical to Student Achievement," published in 1994, pointed to the overwhelming benefits gained from involving parents with schools. The authors concluded "the evidence is now beyond dispute. When schools work together with families to support learning, children tend to succeed not just in school, but throughout life."
- Volunteering time and skills is one way parents can get more involved in schools. This can mean spending time as a classroom aide or helping in the lunch room or going on a school visit or field trip. Some schools actively encourage parents to participate on development committees to help make vital decisions about planning and the curriculum. Schools can offer "training" to parents who want to know how to help their children with homework or with behavioral problems.
- The main benefits for students, if their parents have a greater involvement in the school process, can include better grades and better classroom behavior. Attendance generally improves if parents are more involved. Students tend to feel better about themselves and their self-esteem increases. Another benefit is students complete homework tasks more readily. Parents who get involved tend to have a more co-operative and empathetic attitude toward teachers, as well. Students and parents raise their academic expectations with greater school involvement.
- Schools can benefit from the additional resources volunteering parents can bring to the educational process. Getting parents on board, in cases where children have learning disabilities or challenging behavior, can often improve the situation. Regular meetings and communication is important. Involving parents in the school's decision-making process can give parents "ownership" and help reduce negative attitudes. Improved communication also encourages parents to discuss problems, such as bullying or health and family situations, at an early stage.