Snoring Causes - Things You Need to Be Aware of If You Snore
I am discovering that snoring is very common in the US today.
One study claimed that there are over 40 million Americans who snore in the US.
Snoring can be caused by many things.
Being overweight can cause snoring.
The excess fat in your neck can cause your airway to be constricted or add to the size of some of the fleshy parts of your throat that will reverberate as you sleep.
Many people sleep on their back.
When you sleep on your back you tend to open your mouth as you sleep.
This lets your lower jaw drop and your mouth to hang open.
The resulting problem are constricted airways which acerbates any type of existing snoring condition.
Drinking alcohol before bedtime may cause you to snore more.
The reason is that alcohol relaxes your muscles and this in turn constricts your breathing at night.
We all know smoking is bad for your lungs.
Smoking may cause congestion in your nose and lungs.
This congestion can then clog up your breathing passages, making you more susceptible to snoring problems.
Sleeping pills, sedatives or antihistamines can also help contribute to snoring.
The reason for this is should be obvious.
These drugs can cause your neck and throat muscles to relax which can obstruct your airways.
If you know you snore then try to avoid these medications at night before you go to sleep.
You may have heard of the term Sleep Apnea.
This is an extremely series condition that needs to be checked with your physician.
Sleep apnea is the result of constricted or blocked air pathways.
When someone snores, there are soft tissue structures in the throat that can obstruct a person's oxygen intake.
These tissue tend to flap about when someone snores which can prevent them from breathing.
A person who has Sleep Apnea might stop breathing all together for a second or two.
Their are devices that a physician can prescribe help keep your mouth closed and your jaw aligned during sleep.
One such appliance that is quite common is a fitted mouthpiece that can open up your airways while you sleep.
A fitted dental mouthpiece tends to keep your lower jaw from relaxing and blocking the airways.
There are many over the counter products such as sprays which may help especially if you are a mild snorer.
Throat sprays contains natural oils that lubricate your tissue structures and prevent them form flapping together.
Sprays won't really help more series snorers.
The best way to really know how to stop snoring is by talking to your doctor.
If you or your partner don't think your snoring is too bad, you can try an over the counter product.
One study claimed that there are over 40 million Americans who snore in the US.
Snoring can be caused by many things.
Being overweight can cause snoring.
The excess fat in your neck can cause your airway to be constricted or add to the size of some of the fleshy parts of your throat that will reverberate as you sleep.
Many people sleep on their back.
When you sleep on your back you tend to open your mouth as you sleep.
This lets your lower jaw drop and your mouth to hang open.
The resulting problem are constricted airways which acerbates any type of existing snoring condition.
Drinking alcohol before bedtime may cause you to snore more.
The reason is that alcohol relaxes your muscles and this in turn constricts your breathing at night.
We all know smoking is bad for your lungs.
Smoking may cause congestion in your nose and lungs.
This congestion can then clog up your breathing passages, making you more susceptible to snoring problems.
Sleeping pills, sedatives or antihistamines can also help contribute to snoring.
The reason for this is should be obvious.
These drugs can cause your neck and throat muscles to relax which can obstruct your airways.
If you know you snore then try to avoid these medications at night before you go to sleep.
You may have heard of the term Sleep Apnea.
This is an extremely series condition that needs to be checked with your physician.
Sleep apnea is the result of constricted or blocked air pathways.
When someone snores, there are soft tissue structures in the throat that can obstruct a person's oxygen intake.
These tissue tend to flap about when someone snores which can prevent them from breathing.
A person who has Sleep Apnea might stop breathing all together for a second or two.
Their are devices that a physician can prescribe help keep your mouth closed and your jaw aligned during sleep.
One such appliance that is quite common is a fitted mouthpiece that can open up your airways while you sleep.
A fitted dental mouthpiece tends to keep your lower jaw from relaxing and blocking the airways.
There are many over the counter products such as sprays which may help especially if you are a mild snorer.
Throat sprays contains natural oils that lubricate your tissue structures and prevent them form flapping together.
Sprays won't really help more series snorers.
The best way to really know how to stop snoring is by talking to your doctor.
If you or your partner don't think your snoring is too bad, you can try an over the counter product.