How To Improve Your Eyesight
Our five senses are all important to us but if there's one we'd like to lose last, it's our vision.
It's practically what makes us feel like we're part of this whole colorful dynamo called the world.
Although our sense of hearing, touch, taste and smell are part of our being, it's our sense of sight that gives us the first significant appreciation of what we have around us, especially those simple joys.
We drool at the sight of chocolates, we cry at the sight of people in-love, we laugh at a joke on Reader's Digest and so on.
There are millions of reasons why our sight will always matter to us, and there are as many reasons why we should take that extra mile to keep it.
When it comes to improving our eyesight, there are three things we should consider - nutrition, exercise, and habits.
As far as nutrition is concerned, your mom was right when she made you eat all that squash and carrots and spinach and all those vegetables rich in antioxidants she told you would make your eyes healthy.
She was also right when she made you throw away those bags of junk food because they had preservatives that wouldn't be good for you.
She was right when she made you take all of those vitamin and mineral supplements because sometimes, our bodies do mess up processing nutrients directly from the food we eat.
Good dietary habits contribute to the protection of our eyes, particularly in macular degeneration, development of cataracts and eye tissue damage, all of which occur usually but not always in aged people.
As for exercise, yes, eye exercises help, although skeptics would claim otherwise.
Remember that problems with sight can occur when you engage in an activity that makes your eyes grow accustomed to a certain distance from an object that you may be constantly looking at for a period of time.
For example, if you're a couch potato and spend practically the whole day in front of that boobtube, you'll probably develop problems because your eyes would have been used to that viewing distance.
You can do something about this though.
There are eye exercises you can try, such as focusing on objects at varying distances at a time.
Moving your eyes from side to side is also a good way to loosen up those muscles.
Besides, it will be good for blood circulation.
In fact, you don't only need eye exercises.
You may as well exercise your whole body to improve circulation even more.
When you're able to do this, you'll be enhancing not only your vision but the general health of your eyes as well.
Protecting your eyes can also mean simple things like using eyeglasses or a wide-brimmed hat when you have to go out under the sun, especially when you're at the beach where there aren't any buildings or structures that block those UV rays.
It's practically what makes us feel like we're part of this whole colorful dynamo called the world.
Although our sense of hearing, touch, taste and smell are part of our being, it's our sense of sight that gives us the first significant appreciation of what we have around us, especially those simple joys.
We drool at the sight of chocolates, we cry at the sight of people in-love, we laugh at a joke on Reader's Digest and so on.
There are millions of reasons why our sight will always matter to us, and there are as many reasons why we should take that extra mile to keep it.
When it comes to improving our eyesight, there are three things we should consider - nutrition, exercise, and habits.
As far as nutrition is concerned, your mom was right when she made you eat all that squash and carrots and spinach and all those vegetables rich in antioxidants she told you would make your eyes healthy.
She was also right when she made you throw away those bags of junk food because they had preservatives that wouldn't be good for you.
She was right when she made you take all of those vitamin and mineral supplements because sometimes, our bodies do mess up processing nutrients directly from the food we eat.
Good dietary habits contribute to the protection of our eyes, particularly in macular degeneration, development of cataracts and eye tissue damage, all of which occur usually but not always in aged people.
As for exercise, yes, eye exercises help, although skeptics would claim otherwise.
Remember that problems with sight can occur when you engage in an activity that makes your eyes grow accustomed to a certain distance from an object that you may be constantly looking at for a period of time.
For example, if you're a couch potato and spend practically the whole day in front of that boobtube, you'll probably develop problems because your eyes would have been used to that viewing distance.
You can do something about this though.
There are eye exercises you can try, such as focusing on objects at varying distances at a time.
Moving your eyes from side to side is also a good way to loosen up those muscles.
Besides, it will be good for blood circulation.
In fact, you don't only need eye exercises.
You may as well exercise your whole body to improve circulation even more.
When you're able to do this, you'll be enhancing not only your vision but the general health of your eyes as well.
Protecting your eyes can also mean simple things like using eyeglasses or a wide-brimmed hat when you have to go out under the sun, especially when you're at the beach where there aren't any buildings or structures that block those UV rays.