Stain Removal with Dishwashing Powder
- When stains are caused by food or drink spills, dishwashing powder will quickly remove the stain. First, blot away as much of the stain as possible with a clean cloth or paper towel. Then, dampen the area with a little cold water and lightly dust with a sprinkling of powdered dish detergent. Let it sit for a few minutes, then rub into the stain with your fingertips. Repeat as necessary until the stain is removed, then launder in a cold water wash. Do not use hot water or the dryer until the stain has been removed completely, or the stain might get set in permanently.
- Dishwashing powder works to break up grease and food particles. First, blot the area to collect as much of the excess grease as possible. Then, sprinkle the stain with a thick dusting of powdered dish detergent. Let it sit for 20 minutes to absorb the stain, then work the powder into the stain with your fingertips or a cloth. Repeat until the stain has been removed, then launder in a cold water wash cycle.
- Lipstick stains can also be removed with a dishwashing powder application. Dab away as much of the stain as possible with a clean cloth or paper towel, then add a little powdered dish detergent. Add a few drops of water to create a paste, and rub it into the lipstick stain with your fingertips. Repeat as necessary until the stain has been removed, then launder in a cold water wash to remove any remaining residue.