Analysis of Philip Levine"s Poem - "Starlight"
In introduction, I will identify and analyze various components of Philip Levine's "starlight," such as, speaker; situation; diction; imagery; figures of speech, and other elements of poetry.
Throughout this article the preceding elements will be meticulously expounded upon.
The speaker of the poem I will termed as a 'he' because the poet is a male.
The progression of the poem is vey climactic.
In other words, it signifies a turning point like most works.
For example, line # 21, which illustrates where 'father and son' meet eye to eye (thus, allowing the son to bask in the glow of the starlight with his 'head up in the air').
In addition, he proceeded to ask his father the question that his father asked him earlier in the poem: "Are you happy?"The speaker's point of view points to the reflections of himself as been an image of his father; growing up to be like his father, and 'the father like son' syndrome which, in a subtle way, is illustrated by the following lines: "I am four years old and growing tired (line 3) - in comparison to - ...
but I can smell the tiredness that hangs on his breath.
" (lines 16-17)Moreover, the latter part of the poem corroborates this point, as well.
Of course, the point of view - as pointed out above - introduces the implied attitude of the speaker toward his view of the poem, thus setting the tone of the poem which is very somber and gray (which is in direct irony with its title, "Starlight") with the use of keywords, such as, "growing tired; cigarette; moon riding low over the old neighborhood; alone; thick and choked; the tiredness that hangs on his breath; autumn, and boy slept never to waken in that world again.
" The structure of the poem is very interesting.
Well, it seems to be written in a closed form upon viewing it, initially.
Howbeit, when it's viewed closer it can be noted that the initial letters of the lines are not capitalized; only where a new sentence begins.
Therefore, I surmised that its structure is presented in an open form.
Furthermore, there are neither visible breaks nor stanzas in the poem.
I ponder, does the form represents "a tall, gaunt child (line 28) or a somber, gray tower of Babel (in its aborted attempt) to proclaim itself to be there among the stars (line 21)?" The theme of this poem is one of comparison (both emotionally and physically) between speaker and his father as was illustrated in the above paragraphs - framed by it's content - for instance, lines 8 and 22.
In these lines, the same question was asked by both parties (which give a subliminal reference to their emotional state).
Plus, lines 3 and 17 ('tiredness') give a subliminal reference to their physical well-being.
In interpretation, these instances represent the speaker (a boy) 'growing' into his father.
The situation seems to be set in a small town.
This assertion can be asserted by line 7 - "...
low over the old neighborhood..
"In addition, the site of this poem is assumed to be in Northeast America because of key words, such as, autumn; summer moon, and porch (usually, veranda - outside of the United States).
Moreover, I deducted this particular setting because of the stimulation that I received from reading the poem which, of course, is very subjective.
Furthermore, the experiences that is reflected in this poem allows me to draw on my own experiences as I draw a mental picture of what's taking place in this poem.
Thus, my response to the poem is very subjective to its classical sense of writing.
Plus, my reaction to the dynamics is somewhat subdued although the dynamics of the poem has an evenly paced up - tempo style.
In regard to the poem's style of writing/choice of words, specifically its diction - the diction used in this poem is very concrete.
Excluding, of course, the poem's last six lines and the quote, "Are you happy?"These quotes are abstract and are basically the engine that drives the poem.
For example, these quotes are located in the beginning and ending of the poem.
Likewise, the poem is detonation oriented except for the above quotes which are cloaked in connotation.
The meanings I construed in reference to the above quotes (respectively) are expounded upon in the following sentences.
The first quote deals with the speaker's happiness in his state of being in comparison to his father's happiness in his state of being (for example, the father said "yes" to the question while the speaker hesitated to answer).
The last six lines deal with the transition (reflection) of the son growing up to be like his father in the future ("autumn...
until the boy slept never to waken in that world again").
Besides the 'father-son relationship' been the centerpiece of this poem.
This literary work is very rich in imagery which captures my imagination.
As I pointed out before, keywords such as: "the glow of his cigarette, redder than the summer moon riding" - lines # 5 - 6 - places me in the active scenery of the poem.
It suffers me to see the poem as seeing it as a movie reel.
I must say that his poem is visual (lines # 5 - 6), auditory (line # 22), olfactory (line # 25), gustatory (line # 16 - 17) and synaesthetic (line # 16 - 17).
Moreover, the figures of speech (specifically the metaphors) add to this poem, as well.
For example, "...
smell the tiredness that hangs on his breath.
" - lines # 5 - 6.
On the other hand, there is a limited use of similes and other figures of speech in this poem.
On the other hand, several elements of poetry are well represented.
For example, "autumn" - line # 30 - symbolizes adulthood going onto old age.
The syntax does not contain many rhymes (sounds) although rhythm and meter are maintained throughout the poem.
Also, the whole irony of the poem projects the gloominess of the experience into the background of the 'starry night' - hence, the title: "Starlight.
" In conclusion, this poem was superbly written.
The 1st person skillfully places me in the poem, thus making me an active participant of the poem.
The poem makes an interesting reading.
I've been exposed to new insights from the speaker's point of view.
Throughout this article the preceding elements will be meticulously expounded upon.
The speaker of the poem I will termed as a 'he' because the poet is a male.
The progression of the poem is vey climactic.
In other words, it signifies a turning point like most works.
For example, line # 21, which illustrates where 'father and son' meet eye to eye (thus, allowing the son to bask in the glow of the starlight with his 'head up in the air').
In addition, he proceeded to ask his father the question that his father asked him earlier in the poem: "Are you happy?"The speaker's point of view points to the reflections of himself as been an image of his father; growing up to be like his father, and 'the father like son' syndrome which, in a subtle way, is illustrated by the following lines: "I am four years old and growing tired (line 3) - in comparison to - ...
but I can smell the tiredness that hangs on his breath.
" (lines 16-17)Moreover, the latter part of the poem corroborates this point, as well.
Of course, the point of view - as pointed out above - introduces the implied attitude of the speaker toward his view of the poem, thus setting the tone of the poem which is very somber and gray (which is in direct irony with its title, "Starlight") with the use of keywords, such as, "growing tired; cigarette; moon riding low over the old neighborhood; alone; thick and choked; the tiredness that hangs on his breath; autumn, and boy slept never to waken in that world again.
" The structure of the poem is very interesting.
Well, it seems to be written in a closed form upon viewing it, initially.
Howbeit, when it's viewed closer it can be noted that the initial letters of the lines are not capitalized; only where a new sentence begins.
Therefore, I surmised that its structure is presented in an open form.
Furthermore, there are neither visible breaks nor stanzas in the poem.
I ponder, does the form represents "a tall, gaunt child (line 28) or a somber, gray tower of Babel (in its aborted attempt) to proclaim itself to be there among the stars (line 21)?" The theme of this poem is one of comparison (both emotionally and physically) between speaker and his father as was illustrated in the above paragraphs - framed by it's content - for instance, lines 8 and 22.
In these lines, the same question was asked by both parties (which give a subliminal reference to their emotional state).
Plus, lines 3 and 17 ('tiredness') give a subliminal reference to their physical well-being.
In interpretation, these instances represent the speaker (a boy) 'growing' into his father.
The situation seems to be set in a small town.
This assertion can be asserted by line 7 - "...
low over the old neighborhood..
"In addition, the site of this poem is assumed to be in Northeast America because of key words, such as, autumn; summer moon, and porch (usually, veranda - outside of the United States).
Moreover, I deducted this particular setting because of the stimulation that I received from reading the poem which, of course, is very subjective.
Furthermore, the experiences that is reflected in this poem allows me to draw on my own experiences as I draw a mental picture of what's taking place in this poem.
Thus, my response to the poem is very subjective to its classical sense of writing.
Plus, my reaction to the dynamics is somewhat subdued although the dynamics of the poem has an evenly paced up - tempo style.
In regard to the poem's style of writing/choice of words, specifically its diction - the diction used in this poem is very concrete.
Excluding, of course, the poem's last six lines and the quote, "Are you happy?"These quotes are abstract and are basically the engine that drives the poem.
For example, these quotes are located in the beginning and ending of the poem.
Likewise, the poem is detonation oriented except for the above quotes which are cloaked in connotation.
The meanings I construed in reference to the above quotes (respectively) are expounded upon in the following sentences.
The first quote deals with the speaker's happiness in his state of being in comparison to his father's happiness in his state of being (for example, the father said "yes" to the question while the speaker hesitated to answer).
The last six lines deal with the transition (reflection) of the son growing up to be like his father in the future ("autumn...
until the boy slept never to waken in that world again").
Besides the 'father-son relationship' been the centerpiece of this poem.
This literary work is very rich in imagery which captures my imagination.
As I pointed out before, keywords such as: "the glow of his cigarette, redder than the summer moon riding" - lines # 5 - 6 - places me in the active scenery of the poem.
It suffers me to see the poem as seeing it as a movie reel.
I must say that his poem is visual (lines # 5 - 6), auditory (line # 22), olfactory (line # 25), gustatory (line # 16 - 17) and synaesthetic (line # 16 - 17).
Moreover, the figures of speech (specifically the metaphors) add to this poem, as well.
For example, "...
smell the tiredness that hangs on his breath.
" - lines # 5 - 6.
On the other hand, there is a limited use of similes and other figures of speech in this poem.
On the other hand, several elements of poetry are well represented.
For example, "autumn" - line # 30 - symbolizes adulthood going onto old age.
The syntax does not contain many rhymes (sounds) although rhythm and meter are maintained throughout the poem.
Also, the whole irony of the poem projects the gloominess of the experience into the background of the 'starry night' - hence, the title: "Starlight.
" In conclusion, this poem was superbly written.
The 1st person skillfully places me in the poem, thus making me an active participant of the poem.
The poem makes an interesting reading.
I've been exposed to new insights from the speaker's point of view.