What Is the Best Way to Preserve Flowers & Why?
- Keeping your flowers fresh for a few more days is simple. You need stem-cutting shears, cool water for conditioning, a pail or container, lukewarm water, a cool, well ventilated area and a vase. In order to preserve the flowers for life, you need an area that is warm, dry and dark. A pantry or an attic is a great place to put them. Places that are damp will ruin the drying process. Items you need include wire, sting, rubber bands and a drying rack.
- Gather the flowers in the early morning or late evening when they are still moist from the dew. Cut just above an undeveloped bud with the stem-cutting shears. Place the fresh-cut flowers into the pail or container filled with lukewarm water. Re-cut the stems at an angle under the water. This prevents any air bubbles from blocking food and water from reaching the flowers. Particular types of flowers need to have the stems placed over boiling water or a candle flame for about 20 seconds to scald the ends, preventing the sap from flowing. The sap contains the nutrients needed to maintain the life of the flowers. Place the flowers in lukewarm water, in a cool, dark place to absorb water for conditioning. This must be done for several hours. Then place the flowers in a vase with warm water, at about 110 degrees F or below. Store flowers in a cool, well-ventilated area to keep them fresh. Keep the flowers out of the sunlight. This causes them to age faster. Add a crushed aspirin or a penny to the water to keep bacteria from growing. Change the water every two days. Do not "top off" the vase. Empty the vase, re-cut the stems at an angle, and refill with more lukewarm water to ensure that your flowers remain fresh for as long as possible.
- Preserving flowers by hanging to dry is the best way to go. It does not require any money and is extremely simple to do. Pick most flowers when they are in the budding stage. They will bloom while drying. Separate the flowers into small bunches using wire, rubber bands, twine, string or something similar. Hang them upside down from a nail or a self-supporting drying rack in a dark, warm, dry place such as a pantry. The attic is a great place to dry them as well. It will take approximately one to three weeks to completely dry the flowers. Spray them with hairspray or a glossy spray paint to ensure the stiffness of the dry flowers. It helps to add protection to them. Keep them out of the sunlight as the dried flowers lose color in the sunlight. Goldenrod, baby's breath, statice, roses and millet are examples of flowers that are great to hang dry for preservation.