Ignatius Piazza Encourages Schools To Notice National Trend And Arm Security Forces
As Ignatius Piazza has noted, in the past several months, there has been an increasing number of colleges across the nation deciding upon or bringing to consideration the possibility of arming their campus security. Last month it was Minnesota public colleges, this month it's Kansas City public colleges. According to the Kansas City Star, city colleges in the Kansas City area are considering arming their campus security, who currently are only armed with a radio and handcuffs, and sometimes just a radio.
Colleges across the nation seem to be agreeing with Front Sight's simple message: training means competence. Obviously none of the colleges intend to arm their security forces without proper firearms training, and Ignatius Piazza and Front Sight agree with their decisions both to train and arm their security forces.
It's fairly obvious to the average critical thinker that a problem involving a firearm won't be easily handled by someone without a firearm. Although it may sound like a vicious circle or a chick and the egg problem, the fact of the matter is that if you know an opponent is armed with a baseball bat, you better at least bring a bat of your own. If you know a violent opponent will be armed with a knife, it's best to bring a knife. If you know a violent opponent could be packing a pistol, there's no chance you're going to stop him or her without a pistol of your own. Colleges are finally realizing that the possibility of security forces handling gun-related incidents without being armed is all but impossible, and with the recent horrors at Virginia Tech, it's becoming increasingly, scarily possible that gun-related incidents won't be altogether rare.
Ignatius Piazza and Front Sight are no strangers to the idea of arming those who are in a position to protect. A few short years ago, Ignatius Piazza offered defensive handgun training to any and all commercial airlines pilots for free. Obviously he didn't expect the pilots to be able to carry firearms simply for taking the classes, but while he was delivering that training, he was also pushing for a change in the current system which would allow for pilots to 'pack heat' and thereby deter any possible future attack on planes. He also offered free concealed carry training to any three teachers from any and all school districts in America. Knowing that teachers are the only ones who can keep our children safe in the event of terrible atrocities like Columbine, Ignatius Piazza has been getting gun training into the hands of teachers for years, often completely for free.
Ignatius Piazza stands firmly behind the decisions of many city and private college campuses across the nation to arm their security forces. He looks to their sterling examples to show the success of the proposed system. In addition, he calls upon all schools and colleges to realize the wisdom of getting gun training for teachers and security forces and arming them. With proper gun training, any individual becomes a fully responsible, effective gun user, Ignatius Piazza knows this and is anticipating boards of trustees will realize this soon.