Bodysculpt with Vaser-Liposelection in India
Body sculpting or core conditioning is highly popular term for cosmetic surgery intended for removal of excessive body fat that is resistant to dieting and exercising in people to achieve what he or more commonly she perceives to be a perfect physique;it is not a replacement for dieting or exercising.
The following areas of the body can be taken up for sculpting: face,double chin, arms, male chest enlargement due to fat, abdomen, love handles, buttocks, back, and thighs. Fat is stored in cells called adipocytes.
We get fat energy from what we eat and is stored in adipocytes and is burned to provide necessary calories for the body.but in case if we eat more and so accruing more fat,but spending less,which leads to to a condition where the fats gets accumulated in fat cells and will increase the chance to lead to some disease or un easiness for the body.So for better health proper digestion has to take place and it has to be drawn out from the cells to provide calories.So correct amount of food at right time with proper exercise can maintain the correct level of fat in our body.
Body sculpting helps to remove the excess fat from our body.So this can be achieved with the use of most modern methods like laser lipolysis or vaser liposuction or by abdominoplasty, brachioplasty, thigh lifts, to get the abdomen, arm and thigh into shape whenever there is a problem of lax muscles and skin to deal with plastic surgeries require hospitalization where as laser lipolysis and vaser do not require hospitalization.
Vaser liposelection is a third generation power assisted liposuction device, it uses ultrasonic waves to selectively break up the fat cells leaving other tissues like blood vessels, nerves and muscles relatively intact.
Vaser is gentle and powerful at the same time. Vaser is done under tumescent local anaesthesia, it uses ultrasonic waves to selectively break up fat cells, after this a small suction tume is used to suck the fat out.
There is no pain felt during the procedure,and there may be a dull aching pain felt which can be controlled with analgesics post procedure.
How does vaser help:
With vaser, fat deposits are broken up before suction is applied, this reduces trauma to surrounding tissues and allows large amount of fat to be sucked out. The reduced trauma results in less pain, swelling and bruising post procedure compared to traditional liposuction, and there is better skin tightening compared to traditional liposuction.
Areas that can be treated include:
a) Male breast enlargement due to fat
b) Loose skin under the arms is another area
c) Saddle bags : are deposits of fat seen on the sides of the thighs.
d) The abdomen and love handles also respond well to vaser.
How safe is Vaser
By doing smaller areas and using tumescent anaesthesia vaser is a safe procedure for removing the excess fat from the body.
Body Sculpting Procedure can be best done at Cosmetic Studio,Bangalore by Dr.Vivekanand Bhat,a leading cosmetic surgeon in India.
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The following areas of the body can be taken up for sculpting: face,double chin, arms, male chest enlargement due to fat, abdomen, love handles, buttocks, back, and thighs. Fat is stored in cells called adipocytes.
We get fat energy from what we eat and is stored in adipocytes and is burned to provide necessary calories for the body.but in case if we eat more and so accruing more fat,but spending less,which leads to to a condition where the fats gets accumulated in fat cells and will increase the chance to lead to some disease or un easiness for the body.So for better health proper digestion has to take place and it has to be drawn out from the cells to provide calories.So correct amount of food at right time with proper exercise can maintain the correct level of fat in our body.
Body sculpting helps to remove the excess fat from our body.So this can be achieved with the use of most modern methods like laser lipolysis or vaser liposuction or by abdominoplasty, brachioplasty, thigh lifts, to get the abdomen, arm and thigh into shape whenever there is a problem of lax muscles and skin to deal with plastic surgeries require hospitalization where as laser lipolysis and vaser do not require hospitalization.
Vaser liposelection is a third generation power assisted liposuction device, it uses ultrasonic waves to selectively break up the fat cells leaving other tissues like blood vessels, nerves and muscles relatively intact.
Vaser is gentle and powerful at the same time. Vaser is done under tumescent local anaesthesia, it uses ultrasonic waves to selectively break up fat cells, after this a small suction tume is used to suck the fat out.
There is no pain felt during the procedure,and there may be a dull aching pain felt which can be controlled with analgesics post procedure.
How does vaser help:
With vaser, fat deposits are broken up before suction is applied, this reduces trauma to surrounding tissues and allows large amount of fat to be sucked out. The reduced trauma results in less pain, swelling and bruising post procedure compared to traditional liposuction, and there is better skin tightening compared to traditional liposuction.
Areas that can be treated include:
a) Male breast enlargement due to fat
b) Loose skin under the arms is another area
c) Saddle bags : are deposits of fat seen on the sides of the thighs.
d) The abdomen and love handles also respond well to vaser.
How safe is Vaser
By doing smaller areas and using tumescent anaesthesia vaser is a safe procedure for removing the excess fat from the body.
Body Sculpting Procedure can be best done at Cosmetic Studio,Bangalore by Dr.Vivekanand Bhat,a leading cosmetic surgeon in India.
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