Article Writing Tips - Struggling to Get Attention? Controversy Sells
If you're struggling to get attention or capture interest with your articles, your problem might just be that your articles are too boring.
Are you shocked to hear that? Well, don't be.
The truth is, if your articles are not producing for you, they just might not be capturing the imagination of the public.
A way to really capture attention is to inject some controversy into your article.
You see, most articles these days are just the same-old stuff that is rehashed from before.
That makes it so boring.
Experienced readers will be able to tell that the information is just recycled information with different wording.
You'll want to be original and actually present some new information.
If your article is a little controversial and goes against the grain, so to speak, even better.
You will get more attention and more traffic.
Now, being controversial doesn't mean being offensive.
There is a difference.
You can be outspoken but you shouldn't outright offend people with your opinions.
Do it with a little tact, but don't diminish the impact of your article's viewpoint.
The best way to be controversial is to write an article that is heavily in favor of one point of view.
Chances are, you feel very strongly about an issue.
If you write about it, your feelings are likely to pour out into the article.
This will make the article a potentially controversial one and it will generate a lot of attention and hence drive more traffic to your website.
That's the end goal, to get more traffic.
Don't be controversial just for the sake of it.
Are you shocked to hear that? Well, don't be.
The truth is, if your articles are not producing for you, they just might not be capturing the imagination of the public.
A way to really capture attention is to inject some controversy into your article.
You see, most articles these days are just the same-old stuff that is rehashed from before.
That makes it so boring.
Experienced readers will be able to tell that the information is just recycled information with different wording.
You'll want to be original and actually present some new information.
If your article is a little controversial and goes against the grain, so to speak, even better.
You will get more attention and more traffic.
Now, being controversial doesn't mean being offensive.
There is a difference.
You can be outspoken but you shouldn't outright offend people with your opinions.
Do it with a little tact, but don't diminish the impact of your article's viewpoint.
The best way to be controversial is to write an article that is heavily in favor of one point of view.
Chances are, you feel very strongly about an issue.
If you write about it, your feelings are likely to pour out into the article.
This will make the article a potentially controversial one and it will generate a lot of attention and hence drive more traffic to your website.
That's the end goal, to get more traffic.
Don't be controversial just for the sake of it.