Environmental Liberation Front, ELF, Eco-terrorists
Often since they have no jobs they make their own drugs like crystal meth and then dump the toxins in the forest as hazardous waste.
This is typical of such unworthy humans as we often see when we study misfits and problematic low cranial capacity individuals who cannot seem to get it.
This ELF Group is a problem, they are environmentalists, who go around screwing up things to make a point.
Burning down brand new homes being built on what they believe should remain non-developed, etc.
things of this nature.
FBI thinks they may go after bigger projects such as attacking major infrastructures like dams, timber mills, refineries and power plants.
Or if they really are that would be terrible to have an infrastructure problem sending everyone back into fear mode during the next holiday with the out of control media.
Not sure if this is reality or a reason to go seek them out, but either way these low IQ individuals are not good for America.
Not good.
We may be giving them ideas through the media or egging them on, but with such low cognitive abilities, who knows what these folks are really thinking or even if they do still have such abilities.
What is very unfortunate about this, is with the changes in government recently, these groups will cause a problem in the balance of security, Rep/Dem.
, and the general agreement amongst most of the population that we all need to do basic things like recycle, stop dumping, clean up the water and pay attention to discharges into the air.
We all want our freedoms but these folks are disrupting our civilization so it is important for us to catch them as soon as possible.
If you know of any eco-terrorists foreign or domestic or have friends who do, it is important you turn them in to prevent them from polluting the environment.
If these groups continually disrupt to prove as point, they will ruin any chances for positive changes in the minds of the masses to do the right thing and thus politics of mankind will not follow suit in the proper direction.
I bet we could infiltrate this group and talk some reason into these people using the web sites you have?This type of energy they are exhibiting causing harm is bad, but this level of high energy could be good energy and what America needs, but it is so misguided that it is upsetting the balance of things that we should all be thinking about for the betterment of all.
My thoughts are this lure the members of the group into the web sites, and one by one infiltrate the group to do constructive and positive things and disband it without the media involved.
The media will blow out of proportion anything they do, making them even more excited to do more and gather more crazies to their side.
By keeping it out of the media and getting these people to grow up, everyone can win.
But these guys are definitely international and domestic terrorists and that is bad for America right now, and to call them the most dangerous domestic terrorists is even worse for everyone both short and long term.
Lets throw the leaders in jail as they are criminals, along with any who have committed any acts thus far and disband the rest, as that is what would be best for humanity.