3 Sure Fire Ways To Win His Heart - Make Your Man Crazy For You
They know how to attract men and make them run after them. What they do is use sure fire ways to win a guy's heart and you can use these same methods to make your guy chase you and commit his everlasting love to you. Here are 3 sure fire ways.
1. Flirt with him without him actually knowing that you are doing it. He will feel something happening, but he won't know what it is. He will become aware that you are interested in him and start to melt. Here's how you do it:
Make intense eye contact with him
Touch him lightly on the forearm - this will drive him crazy
Whisper in his ear - when he feels your breath upon his skin he will be crosseyed with lust
2. Work on your personality. Try to be more outgoing and fun loving. Laugh a lot and be fun to be around. Be positive about life and you will be much more attractive to your guy. Always try to see the good side of life and be cheerful when you are around your man. Never, ever burden him with your problems.
3. Men are not hard to please. All they want is someone to show interest in them. Most psychologists will tell you that the real secret to win his heart and make him crazy for you is to make him feel good about himself. When you compliment a man and make him laugh, you become a magnet that he will be drawn to all the time.