Useful Facts About Peyronies and Peyronies Disease Treatment.
Peyronie's is a disease that is caused to men and can result into penile dysfunction. It may cause penile curvature and then may cause pain. There could be various causes to peyronises disease and there are various treatments too. The disease may cause a painful erection at times. There is basically a scar that is developed in the form of a dense tissue. Some people may do not have pain and have tender on the indurated plaque.
There is a dominant belief that the peyronie's disease results from trauma and thus it can arise out of mental trauma. And stress and hypertension could be causes too. The disease may be genetic and hereditary also and then other important causes could be smoking, psychological conditions, diabetes, or some injury that may occur in the penile area. The causes may vary from person to person and so do the effects. If there is pain due to the disease, it may decrease with time depending on the body type. The pain could be experienced at the time of erection, then there could be a curve during the full erection, the tissue could be acutely hardened and there may be hardness on side of the penile tissue. There could be difficulties and problem that are experienced during erection.
The peyronie's disease treatment does not have a specific cure but there are certain treatments that may reduce the effect of pain and cause fewer problems. Medicines like vermapile, vitamin E tablets or some steroids may act as effective. Peyronie's disease treatment could also be treated with penile protherises. Then shock waves and electrification could be used to. There are surgeries conducted too which may be successful in certain cases for people suffering from peyronie's disease. Symptoms may also get reduced by using radiation therapy to cure this disease.
The disease may cause a permanent impotence in some cases but in the modern era there are various methods as discussed above. The disease could be well treated in a majority of the cases and then the problem could be eliminated. The doctors generally suggest waiting for a year and then only go for the surgical treatment for the problem. Though there is no permanent cure as such to eliminate the painful erection caused due to the disease but you could still have some satisfaction. The treatment shall enable less pain and difficulty during an erection time.
There is a dominant belief that the peyronie's disease results from trauma and thus it can arise out of mental trauma. And stress and hypertension could be causes too. The disease may be genetic and hereditary also and then other important causes could be smoking, psychological conditions, diabetes, or some injury that may occur in the penile area. The causes may vary from person to person and so do the effects. If there is pain due to the disease, it may decrease with time depending on the body type. The pain could be experienced at the time of erection, then there could be a curve during the full erection, the tissue could be acutely hardened and there may be hardness on side of the penile tissue. There could be difficulties and problem that are experienced during erection.
The peyronie's disease treatment does not have a specific cure but there are certain treatments that may reduce the effect of pain and cause fewer problems. Medicines like vermapile, vitamin E tablets or some steroids may act as effective. Peyronie's disease treatment could also be treated with penile protherises. Then shock waves and electrification could be used to. There are surgeries conducted too which may be successful in certain cases for people suffering from peyronie's disease. Symptoms may also get reduced by using radiation therapy to cure this disease.
The disease may cause a permanent impotence in some cases but in the modern era there are various methods as discussed above. The disease could be well treated in a majority of the cases and then the problem could be eliminated. The doctors generally suggest waiting for a year and then only go for the surgical treatment for the problem. Though there is no permanent cure as such to eliminate the painful erection caused due to the disease but you could still have some satisfaction. The treatment shall enable less pain and difficulty during an erection time.