Don"t Use Backyard Formulas to Save Your Marriage
Therefore, when you're rejected, you will feel like you'll want to do anything to reunite with the person who wants out.
Knowing this will help you make wise choices when it comes to the information you choose to read that promises you that you will save your marriage.
Backyard deals and ridiculous promises will get you no where - in fact, they can cause you further pain.
Because a desperate manual will cause you to do desperate things.
I do not want to insult your intelligence.
I know you can think rationally.
You just have to be aware that your brain is just doing what it was evolved to do.
If you understand that the thoughts, feelings, and reactions you are having is to preserve life, you can bypass the OVERWHELMING feelings of desperation in order to think in a logical and intelligent way.
This is the task that many find to be difficult and that is overriding the feelings of rejection in order to implement an intelligent plan to create feelings of love in their partner so that these feelings will build attraction which leads to romance again.
Getting your ex back or your marriage on track will not be like "magic" - there are no magic formulas in life just as there is no jack and the bean stalk.
But there is definitely a sensible and natural way to increase your chances of getting back your marriage.