2012 Survival - What Do You Need to Know?
Those concerned about the signs pointing towards the fulfillment of the Mayan apocalypse prophecy and the coming cataclysmic events in the world realize they have to start getting prepared now if they're going to live through the disaster.
The first step to surviving is realizing what all the potential disaster scenarios have in common and then putting a plan in place to be able to detach from "the grid" at a moment's notice.
Disaster Scenarios: Solar Storms, Natural Disasters, Economic Collapse Some prophets of doom will try to tell you they know exactly what's going to happen in 2012 to bring about the end of the world as we know it.
I'm not going to do that, because I think there's a few different scenarios that could potentially happen - all of which will be devastating.
One is a solar magnetic storm which could knock out power grids all over the world.
This would mean no heating, no air conditioning, a lot less food production, nowhere to store food, and a pretty rapid breakdown of all the systems and organizations in society we take for granted.
An economic collapse is another option that would have similar results.
Imagine if the value of all your life savings suddenly dropped to zero.
With the way the world economy is going, this is starting to look like it's actually a likely situation now.
There's more debt in the world than ever before as greedy bankers exploit the system and de-stabilize the world economy for their own personal gain.
Other possibilities include massive natural disasters, like the eruption of the volcano under Yellowstone Park, or the outbreak of a third world war (which would likely involve nuclear weapons).
Being Prepared In order to get prepared you need to know what items you'll need to last through the first crucial months after the cataclysm.
You'll also need to learn crucial skills to live of the land when your stores of reserves run out, and learn how to defend yourself in the event of a total breakdown of society.
It's an unpleasant thought, but you have to accept the possibility that you'll end up competing with hostile enemies for limited food and water resources.
Unplugging from the System A huge part of being prepared is learning not to be dependent on the system we all take for granted.
Things like electricity, fuel for cars, commercial flights, supermarkets stocked with food - all of these could disappear virtually overnight, leaving you to fend for yourself.
If you're not prepared and you don't have the information you need to survive under wild conditions, you'll be a sitting duck.
2012 survival will be about living without the structures set up by governments and other organizations that are a part of the current world system.