Child ADHD Treatment – Difficult Choices, Natural Solutions
For parents determining the best child ADHD treatment can be a difficult undertaking. You may even find yourself gathering useful information only to become more confused in the end.
As their child has started to take on their identity they may start to notice behavioral changes, such as struggling to pay attention. They may have started to notice that terrifying impulsive behavior first hand that produces many of the problems ADHD adolescent and teenage experience. And of course they can't help but noticed the extreme hyperactive energy which accompanies attention deficit hyperactivity disorder about half the time.
They may know deep down inside that a child ADHD treatment is needed but are scared to death of the possible short and long-term side effects linked to the child ADHD treatments Ritalin and Adderall, as well as other stimulant medications which populate the same category.
After doing some research they may have found that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), along with other forms of behavior modifications therapy work well, but become deflated when they find that these types of child ADHD treatment methods are not recommended for young children due to the amount of interaction between the therapist and patient required to achieve results.
Any parent who has been through this gut wrenching push and pull will tell you that there really isn't a magic bullet loaded in the chamber of your doctors child ADHD treatment six shooter. In fact, the numbers tell us that there is at least a thirty percent failure rate for popular stimulant medications.
Another twist, making the decision even more difficult is that ADHD only exists on its own about 30 percent of the time. The other 70 percent of cases are made up of ADHD along with co-existing conditions. Examples would be learning disabilities, bi-polar disorder, and tic disorders.
So in essence there may undercurrents at work that make diagnosis, treatment, and ADHD symptoms management a very challenging equation to solve.
With so much confusion about prescription medications are there any natural options?
Recent research has linked a number of factors with worsening ADHD symptoms in children. Why don't we look at a couple of these right quick.
*Pesticides: For me at least this was the one that made my eyebrows raise a bit, simply because many of the foods found to contain ADHD aggravating pesticides are the very ones we have been told are essential for our children's nutritional needs. Examples would be blueberries, strawberries, green beans, peaches, and broccoli. So the moral of the story is if you see your child's ADHD symptoms worsening after meals use trial and error to find the cause. One last thought on the subject, out of the 1,1139 children tested in the study only 5 percent of them failed to have the metabolites responsible for breaking down pesticides in the body.
*Monitor servings of simple carbohydrates in your child's diet: Simple carbohydrates are foods that enter the bloodstream rapidly boosting blood sugar faster than the body can dispose of it. Examples would be white rice, white bread, pasta, processed cereals, and juices without the pulp. Research tells us that eating these types of foods produce inattention, fatigue, and scattered thinking.
What about homeopathy as a child ADHD treatment?
Homeopathy is has been around for over a century. It has seen its ups and downs during that time but this blast from the past seems to be quite effective for treating ADHD symptoms. In fact one study published in the British Homeopathic Journal showed a 70 percent success rate with no side effect risks noted.
Additionally, 57 percent of the participants continued to see results weeks after the study ended. For me the possibility that a natural medication could produce long-term results, without side effects, were important factors to take into account when selecting a safe and effective child ADHD treatment.
As their child has started to take on their identity they may start to notice behavioral changes, such as struggling to pay attention. They may have started to notice that terrifying impulsive behavior first hand that produces many of the problems ADHD adolescent and teenage experience. And of course they can't help but noticed the extreme hyperactive energy which accompanies attention deficit hyperactivity disorder about half the time.
They may know deep down inside that a child ADHD treatment is needed but are scared to death of the possible short and long-term side effects linked to the child ADHD treatments Ritalin and Adderall, as well as other stimulant medications which populate the same category.
After doing some research they may have found that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), along with other forms of behavior modifications therapy work well, but become deflated when they find that these types of child ADHD treatment methods are not recommended for young children due to the amount of interaction between the therapist and patient required to achieve results.
Any parent who has been through this gut wrenching push and pull will tell you that there really isn't a magic bullet loaded in the chamber of your doctors child ADHD treatment six shooter. In fact, the numbers tell us that there is at least a thirty percent failure rate for popular stimulant medications.
Another twist, making the decision even more difficult is that ADHD only exists on its own about 30 percent of the time. The other 70 percent of cases are made up of ADHD along with co-existing conditions. Examples would be learning disabilities, bi-polar disorder, and tic disorders.
So in essence there may undercurrents at work that make diagnosis, treatment, and ADHD symptoms management a very challenging equation to solve.
With so much confusion about prescription medications are there any natural options?
Recent research has linked a number of factors with worsening ADHD symptoms in children. Why don't we look at a couple of these right quick.
*Pesticides: For me at least this was the one that made my eyebrows raise a bit, simply because many of the foods found to contain ADHD aggravating pesticides are the very ones we have been told are essential for our children's nutritional needs. Examples would be blueberries, strawberries, green beans, peaches, and broccoli. So the moral of the story is if you see your child's ADHD symptoms worsening after meals use trial and error to find the cause. One last thought on the subject, out of the 1,1139 children tested in the study only 5 percent of them failed to have the metabolites responsible for breaking down pesticides in the body.
*Monitor servings of simple carbohydrates in your child's diet: Simple carbohydrates are foods that enter the bloodstream rapidly boosting blood sugar faster than the body can dispose of it. Examples would be white rice, white bread, pasta, processed cereals, and juices without the pulp. Research tells us that eating these types of foods produce inattention, fatigue, and scattered thinking.
What about homeopathy as a child ADHD treatment?
Homeopathy is has been around for over a century. It has seen its ups and downs during that time but this blast from the past seems to be quite effective for treating ADHD symptoms. In fact one study published in the British Homeopathic Journal showed a 70 percent success rate with no side effect risks noted.
Additionally, 57 percent of the participants continued to see results weeks after the study ended. For me the possibility that a natural medication could produce long-term results, without side effects, were important factors to take into account when selecting a safe and effective child ADHD treatment.