How to Build a Contemporary Twin Size Bed
- 1). Cut your lumber to the needed dimensions. If you don't have a power saw, ask for your lumber yard to cut your purchase to specification.
- 2). Sand all faces of the lumber with the coarse grit sandpaper.
- 3). Sand the following faces of the lumber with the fine grit sandpaper: one face of the plywood, all edges of the plywood, one face each of all four beams, the ends of the 75-inch beams (but not the 36-inch beams), all four sides of each post. These are the parts that will be visible after construction.
- 4). Apply primer to all the faces you sanded with fine grit sandpaper. Allow to dry completely.
- 5). Assemble the four beams into a rectangle, positioned so the shorter beams are inside the longer beams. The beams should rest on their narrowest side.
- 6). Connect the rectangle into a frame using two wood screws per point of connection.
- 7). Lay the plywood sheet on top of the frame. Screw it in place with one screw per corner.
- 8). Turn the frame on its side, so you can access both the plywood face and the beam face of the frame.
- 9). Set a post on end in one corner of the frame, resting in the angle formed by two beams. Screw it in place with four wood screws, driven through the plywood and into the end of the post.
- 10
Mount the other three posts in the other three corners, using the same method you did for the first post. - 11
Apply your paint to the exposed surfaces of the bed frame. Allow to dry completely. Repeat with a second coat if necessary. - 12
Add the mattress.