Experience the wilderness of Tasmanian fishing in the Western lakes of Tasmania
With thousands of lakes, many rivers, great beauty, pure water, clean air, unique animals, a disease free environment and vast numbers of truly wild trout make Tasmania as an attractive island and exciting destination catering for a wide range of fishing experiences.
Fishing technique is vitally important in successfully landing fish of this size and this superb specimen provided an exhilarating angling experience. There is really no hard and fast rule for choosing the method of fishing to adopt. The preferred way is, of course, fly-fishing. However, for many native fishermen this type isn't as popular as the other methods very often used by them.
Different styles of fishing can be utilized which reflect changing weather, food sources, river and lake water levels, availability of natural food and the feeding behavior of the various trouts. Fly-fishing, as it still remains the most popular method to catch trout. Though challenging, its rewards are incomparable and the experience thrilling. Most prefer using live bait or a concoction of ingredients as bait, which surprisingly has a reasonably good degree of success.
The final choice of the bait, however, depends upon the discretion of the individual angler. A common method used is upstream worming where small worms are fixed to two or three hooks that are swung upstream, ahead of the angler who wades slowly and surreptitiously. Tasmanian fishing can produce spectacular results. Warm temperatures here bring out the insect life and trout, which have voracious appetites, come to the surface to hunt.
The experiences trout fishing in Tasmania vary considerably .Here anglers have the choice of fishing one of the many small streams that hold large numbers of small brown trout to stalking large trout in the shallow margins of one of the many hundreds of lakes. The relative in accessibility to all but the keenest of anglers has meant that the fishing here remains unspoilt. Especially western part of this place is beamed with rugged beauty and tall mountain ranges. Although these fisheries are remote and the environment wild, but one can go through well appointed bush camps which are the ideal way to experience this unique part of the world.