The Different Types of Acne and The Meaning Behind It
There has always been a huge, but understandable, misconception when it comes to keeping the face clean. If your skin is oily, then you will naturally want to keep the oil off as much as possible. Most people make a drastic mistake at this point trying to keep their face too dry. Doing this will strip most of the oil from your face and pores which can have adverse reactions.
If you have excessively dried your skin, your pores will replenish the oil that is missing. If it is to dry, however, an excessive amount of oil will be produced. You actually jeopardize clarity of your skin and invite more acne to appear by doing this type of excessive washing.
Too much collagen in your face is actually why you have acne scars that are so obvious. When you get acne scars, you really don't want to have them your entire life. You will probably be very concerned about your acne scars if they are large and obvious.
Acne scars are quite often the result of improper intervention, meaning squeezing. As a general rule, any type of blemish should be left alone. If you are impatient about getting rid of acne on your face, you may find yourself squeezing them often. As a general rule, popping a zit before it's time is not recommended as it will not squeeze out to the surface.
Most of the time, it is difficult to determine what exactly causes the acne on your face which is why treatments are so wide-ranging. Acne does have a genetic origin which varies from person to person. Certain family lines have had acne for generations, though this may not be an indicator of bad genetics. An example of this would be someone that gets acne very bad, however the genetic line is not predisposed to providing it. If your family is susceptible to getting acne because of their genetics, most of the family will actually have the skin condition. The initial reaction of most teenagers, and even adults, is to try and evacuate the blemish. But as you'll now know, if it's a closed comedone squeezing will simply cause inflammation. You cannot force a blockage that's deep to the surface, so squeezing can cause more trouble.