How to Winterize Sweet Potato Vines
- 1). Move the potted sweet potato vines into a barn or shed, if it's available. This way the plants can go dormant over the winter and be protected from wind and freezing temperatures. If you don't have a structure available, move to Step 2.
- 2). Mulch your potato vines if they can't be moved indoors by spreading a 4-inch layer of hay, straw or grass cuttings over the vines. Mulch after the first freeze of the year. This timing will depend on your region's climate.
- 3). Place boards or other heavy objects on the corners of the mulch to hold it in place, and down the rows between sweet potato vines.
- 4). Leave the potato vines covered or inside until spring. When the plants begin to grow again, remove the mulch or take the pots back outside.