The Best Time to Plant Sweet Potatoes in South Carolina
- Sweet potatoes are a warm weather crop and should be planted well after the last danger of frost. For best results, plant sweet potatoes after the soil temperature has reached 65 degrees Fahrenheit.
- South Carolina is divided into three primary growing regions: Coastal, covering the eastern region of the state, including Beaufort, Horry and Berkely counties; Central, covering the middle part of the state, including Chesterfield, Richland and Aiken counties; and Piedmont, covering roughly the western third of the state, including Cherokee, Okonee and McCormick counties.
- Plant sweet potatoes when appropriate for your region of South Carolina, allowing a growing season of at least 120 days before the first frost. Plant in the Coastal region between April 15 and July 1, in the Central region between May 1 and June 15, and between May 10 and June 10 in the Piedmont region.