How to Increase Penis Size Naturally - Your Ultimate Guide
Although these may work, these aforementioned tools are but temporary solutions if you want to enhance your penis size.
Nutritional plays a critical part to any program that is aimed at increasing your penis size.
And no, we are not talking about those pills or the numerous supplements being touted about in the World Wide Web.
You can give yourself a much needed boost by simply incorporating (or removing) certain food items from your diet.
Here are some valuable tips on how to increase penis size, using only food as your primary tool.
Cut out the fat! Sorry, guys.
But having a diet rich in fat can not only make your sex drive non-existent, but it can also make your penis appear smaller.
Try to get rid of your chips, your favorite fast foods and those deep fried goodies.
Even a 10 pound reduction to your overweight (or obese) frame can improve the size and dimension of your tool considerably.
Try to incorporate a healthy supply of food items that contain vasodilation functions.
This means that the food encourages the smooth muscles to relax more, which allows more blood to flow through large arteries, arterioles, veins and vessels.
More blood flow to your penis is what you need if you really want to increase your length and girth.
Some of the best foods you ought to try are: broccoli, carrots, eggs, liver, milk, salmon, sweet potato, tomatoes and tuna.
Note: moderation is the key here.
Try not to go overboard so as not to gain unwanted poundage.