Which is Better? Natural or Synthetic HGH
HGH supplements, are they for you? I mean, everyone is screaming about just how great they are. It supposedly helps vision, libido, increases muscle mass and so on and so on! Who wouldn't want to capitalize on the benefits of this sensational pharmaceutical right? Well there are several concerns to consider when getting artificial HGH; which might cause you to decide on a natural HGH precursor as it is much safer and cheaper. I mean after all, what kind of favors are you doing yourself if you are taking a drug to be healthy but in actuality making yourself more unhealthy?
Synthetic and artificial anything has always been a problem for many people; from the artificial butter that we eat known as margarine (Yuk man!), to traces of metal in our deodorants, chemical preservative substances in meals and growth hormones in our meat. All of these elements have been very debatable over the decades and individuals have challenged the health problems associated with each of them. Well the same is real for human growth hormone, there is an artificial form of this hormone and there is a natural form of this supplement or a precurser as it is called that allows you to generate more of the hormone yourself, and naturally.
This can definitely be a point to ponder, because research indicates that artificial HGH given to lab creatures (mice) can and does cause cancer malignancy. However, men with greater amounts of IGF-1 in their systems, (IGF-1 is a sign for the quantity of HGH in the body), have show no more cancer malignancy than individuals with lower levels.
As a cancer survivor myself, I've become progressively more and more conscious these days of the chemicals in foods that I eat and the substances that are in items that I use. And the more "natural" that I can be; whether it's in the meals that I eat or with the items that I use, the better I feel and my allergic reactions are definitely less. For example, when I simply use deodorant without the metal aluminum, I don't get skin discomfort and rashes; and when I eat dried fruit without the chemical known as sulfur dioxide, I don't begin to wheeze and cough uncontrollably.
Now, another element to consider when doing your HGH treatments is the high cost associated with the therapy. Prescription HGH can be costly and really hurt your wallet, whereas more natural and over-the-counter HGH treatments, which are also supported by physicians, and created from all-natural substances, can be just a tiny fraction of the cost of RX HGH and work just as well.
Now, before you start any new supplement, or making any major life changes, be sure to seek advice from with your medical doctor.
Synthetic and artificial anything has always been a problem for many people; from the artificial butter that we eat known as margarine (Yuk man!), to traces of metal in our deodorants, chemical preservative substances in meals and growth hormones in our meat. All of these elements have been very debatable over the decades and individuals have challenged the health problems associated with each of them. Well the same is real for human growth hormone, there is an artificial form of this hormone and there is a natural form of this supplement or a precurser as it is called that allows you to generate more of the hormone yourself, and naturally.
This can definitely be a point to ponder, because research indicates that artificial HGH given to lab creatures (mice) can and does cause cancer malignancy. However, men with greater amounts of IGF-1 in their systems, (IGF-1 is a sign for the quantity of HGH in the body), have show no more cancer malignancy than individuals with lower levels.
As a cancer survivor myself, I've become progressively more and more conscious these days of the chemicals in foods that I eat and the substances that are in items that I use. And the more "natural" that I can be; whether it's in the meals that I eat or with the items that I use, the better I feel and my allergic reactions are definitely less. For example, when I simply use deodorant without the metal aluminum, I don't get skin discomfort and rashes; and when I eat dried fruit without the chemical known as sulfur dioxide, I don't begin to wheeze and cough uncontrollably.
Now, another element to consider when doing your HGH treatments is the high cost associated with the therapy. Prescription HGH can be costly and really hurt your wallet, whereas more natural and over-the-counter HGH treatments, which are also supported by physicians, and created from all-natural substances, can be just a tiny fraction of the cost of RX HGH and work just as well.
Now, before you start any new supplement, or making any major life changes, be sure to seek advice from with your medical doctor.