Effective Tips in Dealing With Cold Sore
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) could infect anybody and the infection usually last for 10-14 days.
But if you have been infected by this virus, it could stay dormant in your body and you could suffer recurring outbreak from time to time.
The discomfort and embarrassment brought by this contagious disease is really depressing and you need to know what to do in dealing with cold sore.
It could be very frustrating if you do not know how to deal with it.
Here are some tips to help you manage cold sore: Prevent cold sore.
The best way in dealing with cold sore is to prevent it from happening.
It is a contagious disease and you have to avoid contact with people infected by the virus.
If you are already infected, you have to prevent recurring flare-up by avoiding triggers that will make the virus active again.
Some of its triggers include too much exposure to sunlight, weak immune system and stress.
Prevent cold sore attacks by eating a healthy diet, get enough sleep and exercise.
It is also important to avoid stress or learn to manage you stress.
Seek treatment.
It is important to see your doctor and get the proper diagnosis.
Soreness around your mouth could be a symptom of other illnesses.
Your doctor can also recommend antiviral medicines to help you get rid of the soreness.
Some people are into natural remedies and there are natural treatments for cold sore.
Ice, tea tree oil and garlic are some of the natural treatment for cold sore.
But if you have been infected by this virus, it could stay dormant in your body and you could suffer recurring outbreak from time to time.
The discomfort and embarrassment brought by this contagious disease is really depressing and you need to know what to do in dealing with cold sore.
It could be very frustrating if you do not know how to deal with it.
Here are some tips to help you manage cold sore: Prevent cold sore.
The best way in dealing with cold sore is to prevent it from happening.
It is a contagious disease and you have to avoid contact with people infected by the virus.
If you are already infected, you have to prevent recurring flare-up by avoiding triggers that will make the virus active again.
Some of its triggers include too much exposure to sunlight, weak immune system and stress.
Prevent cold sore attacks by eating a healthy diet, get enough sleep and exercise.
It is also important to avoid stress or learn to manage you stress.
Seek treatment.
It is important to see your doctor and get the proper diagnosis.
Soreness around your mouth could be a symptom of other illnesses.
Your doctor can also recommend antiviral medicines to help you get rid of the soreness.
Some people are into natural remedies and there are natural treatments for cold sore.
Ice, tea tree oil and garlic are some of the natural treatment for cold sore.