I Think My Skin Was Pretty OK
I think my skin was pretty OK in the junior year just like she and I just got a million breakouts and then my bad skin lasted until now so I'm 28 now and a junior high schools like 1670 so I've had bad skin and the reason I put bad in quotations is because to some people it might not be horrible and I'm aware that it's not the worst thing in the world and there's a lot of people to have WAY worse but to me it was bad because I don't have clear skin you know the first couple years high school and all through middle school and I never had that skin until.
You know the in high school so it's bad to me but I know it's not the worst skin ever so how did about three or four years and another thing about my skin is that it always fluctuated it was never you know horrible constantly you know wasn't you know disgusting breakouts all over my face for constant three years every couple months it would get really good and then you just go back to being bad so for my skin it would really just go up and down one month it would be really bad in one month it would-be relatively clear so with that being said I will show you picture from December up 2012 you can kind of see the severity and you know kind of the condition of my skin in that time so that you're loOKing at now on the left was obviously with no makeup and then the right I was kind of comparing you know the magic works %uh makeup so that was pretty much.
The state of my skin like that the skin I knew when I toOK my makeup of that usually how it loOKs I had a lot of scarring because I don't know about you guys but am a picker I will pop any that that is on my face no matter what it loOKs like La crme I'm just want those people that I E I will literally sit there for an hour and just get everything off my faith that if it's a horrible habit I know I shouldn't do it but I do I know it's bad I don't recommend you guys doing it but I am guilty of it and I've definitely cut back a lot on how much or when.
You know the in high school so it's bad to me but I know it's not the worst skin ever so how did about three or four years and another thing about my skin is that it always fluctuated it was never you know horrible constantly you know wasn't you know disgusting breakouts all over my face for constant three years every couple months it would get really good and then you just go back to being bad so for my skin it would really just go up and down one month it would be really bad in one month it would-be relatively clear so with that being said I will show you picture from December up 2012 you can kind of see the severity and you know kind of the condition of my skin in that time so that you're loOKing at now on the left was obviously with no makeup and then the right I was kind of comparing you know the magic works %uh makeup so that was pretty much.
The state of my skin like that the skin I knew when I toOK my makeup of that usually how it loOKs I had a lot of scarring because I don't know about you guys but am a picker I will pop any that that is on my face no matter what it loOKs like La crme I'm just want those people that I E I will literally sit there for an hour and just get everything off my faith that if it's a horrible habit I know I shouldn't do it but I do I know it's bad I don't recommend you guys doing it but I am guilty of it and I've definitely cut back a lot on how much or when.