Bad Credit Loans No Guarantor- Horrible Credit Records Are No More An Obstacle For Obtaining Finance
To avail bad credit loans no guarantor borrowers need to provide their salary slips, residence proof and recent bank statements. These are the criteria which must be fulfilled for these loans. Borrower must be a UK citizen above 18 years of age. The place where the borrower resides at the time of applying for these loans, he must have lived at the concerned address for not less than one year. Borrower can obtain an amount within 1000-25000 pounds and this amount has a repayment period of 6 months to 10 years. As there is no security for unsecured personal loan, the repayment duration is small and flexible; stretching up to 10 years and the rate of interest is also high compared to other loans of the same category. The reason for high interest rates is the risk lenders face while lending money to people without any guarantee.
Bad credit loans no guarantor attempts to help people with bad credit to solve their financial worries. A bad or poor credit can be due to reasons like making default in repayments, having CCJ's, IVA's, arrears, being declared bankrupt and so on. Bad credit loans no guarantor can be made available from different financial institutions, banks, financial organization etc. One can also get hold of these loans through online method. One can search for these loans online and to ones surprise, within a moment; one can easily meet several lenders, who are interested in offering personal unsecured loans for a long period of time. Bad credit loans no guarantor provides complete liberty to borrowers when it comes to spending of the amount and lenders hardly interfere in this respect. This truly explains the personal nature of such loans.