How to Decrease the Acidity in Soil
- 1). Test the pH level of your soil with a pH test. These tests are readily available at most nurseries or hardware stores. Follow the instructions for your particular test.
- 2). Measure the width and length of your garden with a tape measure and convert the measurements to square yards. To do this, multiply the length by the width to get the square feet of the garden. Once you get the square feet, divide the number by 3 to get the square yards.
- 3). Measure the amount of lime needed to raise the pH level by 1.0. You need 4 oz. of lime per square yard for sandy soil, 8 oz. for loamy soil, 12 oz. for clay soil and 25 oz. for peaty soil.
- 4). Pour the lime over the soil in an even layer. Work the lime into the top 4 inches of soil with a hoe until the soil and lime appear to be evenly mixed. You should not be able to see any large white clumps of the lime.
- 5). Rake the soil to create a flat surface.
- 6). Check the soil on an annual basis. Depending on environmental conditions in your geographical area, it may take several years to adjust the pH of the soil to your desired level.