Make a Guy Fall in Love - Strategies That Work Every Time!
The first thing to understand it that the reason why men pursue sex so much is more out of fear of emotional connection than desire for sex.
Yes, Sex is amazing and men will always want it.
But if the pull of emotional connection is stronger, sexuality becomes less of a priority.
The trick is in making the shift.
As long as you are physically intimate more than you are looking to bond emotionally he will take the path of least resistance.
It is human nature.
That said, realize that men move at a different pace emotionally and therefore require more time when it comes to emotional connections.
Toning the sexuality down will leave room for this to happen on its own.
At the same time, let the emotional connection form in its own time.
Relationships are like organic life forms and must be treated that way.
You would not rush a plant to grow; you would nurture it understanding that in time it would bear fruit.
Therefore you need to make sure that you do not rush him into forming emotional bonds too early.
One on the most important things in knowing how to make a guy fall in love is to understand that that slow is fast and fast is slow.
By letting things happen at a natural pace your man will become more secure around you and this will make him fall in love with you much faster.