How to Use Killer Conversational Strategies to Seduce Women - Using the Power of Words
Look - we all know that small talk doesn't work if you want to get a date out of the interaction with a beautiful woman.
Small talk is something you share with peers or colleagues when you have nothing better to do.
If you want to improve your dating life, you must learn the skills needed to effectively flirt with women through conversation.
Read on to discover three of these conversation strategies that will get women's attention and make them fall for you fast.
Three Clever Ways To Spruce Up Your Flirt Game 1.
"Give her a puzzle to solve".
Women are smart.
If you don't make your conversation compelling enough, they will simply see through you, figure out that you're trying to pick her up and walk away.
There's a downside to being too direct (and too transparent) with a woman, so you have to make your conversation seem more mysterious and intriguing.
Remember, every woman loves a brain teaser.
Everything about you must challenge her flirting skills.
if you act like an insipid follower, she will give you a cursory nod and brush you off.
If you act like someone who leads, she will be compelled to follow you and seek your approval.
The main difference between being a challenge and being a nobody is confidence.
Act like you have so many things going for you and her rejection will mean nothing.
This will make any woman want to impress you some more.
This is a hypnosis trick that has made more than a few girls sexually aroused with a guy they just met in less than 15 minutes.
This covert method was developed on the premise that a woman will find it difficult to reject a man who she feels emotionally connected with.
You will be able to put her through an emotional rollercoaster during your conversation just by following this method to the letter.