How to Plant Crown Vetch From Seed
- 1). Wait until late winter and find a planting site that has full or partial sunlight. The composition of the soil does not matter since crown vetch thrives almost anywhere. The area should be moist but should not have puddles after rainfall.
- 2). Loosen the soil to a 2- to 4-inch depth using a wide-toothed bow rake or garden tiller.
- 3). Spread an all-purpose, balanced fertilizer over the soil, referring to the package label for proper amounts. Rake or till the site to mix the fertilizer into the top 2 to 4 inches of soil.
- 4). Spread crown vetch seeds over the planting site at the rate specified on the package, if you're planting for ornamental purposes. If you're planting for forage, apply a 50-50 mix of crown vetch seed and grass seed. Cover the seeds with 1/2 inch of soil by either raking the area or spreading top soil over the seeds.
- 5). Spread straw on top of the planting area until it is 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep to prevent the seeds from washing away and to prevent birds from eating them.
- 6). Water the soil until it is damp to a 2-inch depth to ensure the seeds are damp. Water the crown vetch seeds daily or every two days as needed, to maintain constant ground moisture until the seeds germinate.