The Present Suffering
indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory".
This verse could be found in Romans 8 verse 17b.
This verse, along side with 1Pet 4:12ff, 2Cor 11:23-29, 6: 3-10 and 2Sam 23: 15-17, talk about the sufferings of Christians in this sinful world which could be described as pre-glory experience.
The liberation of the captives is a suicide mission.
In most cases the strong one will always guard forcefully against the sudden freedom of the captives under him/her.
Thus, the one to liberate the captives must be ready to pay the price, face challenges and be ready to go to any length to save the captives.
It may mean risking his/her life! This is the suffering, glory-rewarding suffering of the Saints as recorded in Romans 8:17.
The revelation of the sons of God is not without sufferings.
Our scriptures talk about the sufferings which we would suffer for Christ and not the sufferings that we pass through as a result of our ignorance, unfaithfulness to God or to His work.
Romans 8: 17-18 relates sufferings and glory together and give us an in-depth knowledge on their relationship.
Another aspect that is very crucial here is the consideration of what should be our reaction or attitude during hard times or in our sufferings.
Relevant scriptures that give us deep insight are Acts 4:12, 1Cor 1:5-7, Rom 8: 35-39, James 5: 10-11, 1Pet 4: 13-16.
The question is, 'do you think it is part of your Christian race to suffer for the sake of Christ? If you are not sure of your response, then you can read these scriptures and see for yourself the position of Christ on this issue.
Phil 1:29, 3:10, 1Pet 4:13-16.
In conclusion, we are made to understand through this write-up and read scriptures that sufferings are inevitable in our course to liberate the creation.
What will however strengthen us is our focus on Christ; looking and aiming at the end glory.
The bible says of Christ, "Looking forward to the glory that lies ahead, endure to place of the cross".
indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory".
This verse could be found in Romans 8 verse 17b.
This verse, along side with 1Pet 4:12ff, 2Cor 11:23-29, 6: 3-10 and 2Sam 23: 15-17, talk about the sufferings of Christians in this sinful world which could be described as pre-glory experience.
The liberation of the captives is a suicide mission.
In most cases the strong one will always guard forcefully against the sudden freedom of the captives under him/her.
Thus, the one to liberate the captives must be ready to pay the price, face challenges and be ready to go to any length to save the captives.
It may mean risking his/her life! This is the suffering, glory-rewarding suffering of the Saints as recorded in Romans 8:17.
The revelation of the sons of God is not without sufferings.
Our scriptures talk about the sufferings which we would suffer for Christ and not the sufferings that we pass through as a result of our ignorance, unfaithfulness to God or to His work.
Romans 8: 17-18 relates sufferings and glory together and give us an in-depth knowledge on their relationship.
Another aspect that is very crucial here is the consideration of what should be our reaction or attitude during hard times or in our sufferings.
Relevant scriptures that give us deep insight are Acts 4:12, 1Cor 1:5-7, Rom 8: 35-39, James 5: 10-11, 1Pet 4: 13-16.
The question is, 'do you think it is part of your Christian race to suffer for the sake of Christ? If you are not sure of your response, then you can read these scriptures and see for yourself the position of Christ on this issue.
Phil 1:29, 3:10, 1Pet 4:13-16.
In conclusion, we are made to understand through this write-up and read scriptures that sufferings are inevitable in our course to liberate the creation.
What will however strengthen us is our focus on Christ; looking and aiming at the end glory.
The bible says of Christ, "Looking forward to the glory that lies ahead, endure to place of the cross".