How to Eat Wild Violets
- 1). Pick some wild violet plants, discarding the roots and stems. Wash the plants thoroughly. It is critical to ensure that you are indeed picking wild violets, and not just any purple flower.
- 2). Separate the flowers and leaves, the edible parts of the plant, from the stems.
- 3). Taste the leaves to determine their flavor profile. Some violets are very sweet, while others feature a more pea-flavored taste. This step will help you decide what flavors and foods will be complimented by the addition of violets.
- 4). Add sweet violet flowers to cakes as an edible decoration. They can also be added in crystallized form, which is achieved when the flower is painted with a small amount of egg white, then sprinkled with sugar and left to dry.
- 5). Pour hot water over dried, sweet violet leaves and chamomile for a violet-flavored tea.
- 6). Add the earthier-flavored violet leaves to salads or mixed greens.