The Kind of eHarmony Questions You Should Ask!
However, it is not necessary that you ask those pre-defined eHarmony questions, scattered everywhere on the internet.
Trust me they'll never work in your favor.
Rather be creative, it you really want to play the game alright.
To impress the other person online, you must have the solid art of playing with words.
You have to be creative to win over the other person.
Like all others, I won't give you the examples of different types of questions you should be asking online; instead I will tell you the trick to be creative, so that you can come up with your original eHarmony questions.
Creative Mind Bogglers It must be a mind boggler, but it should not be difficult enough to stop her from any response.
Keep the challenge light, interesting yet giving a giggle or two in her tummy! All you have to do is just open up your sense of humor and write! Funny Silly Questions Don't keep things serious in your online dating phase.
Ask funny questions to make her laugh and feel happy about herself.
Comment in a funny way about something she has written in her profile.
But remember don't make it appear insulting.
While asking funny questions, don't forget to put in funny emoticons to convey the right feelings.
Call to Actions Questions that have call to actions in the end always win replies.
Call to action doesn't mean you have to marketing strategies over here.
Put in subtle call to actions like forcing her to join you for weekend, forcing her to think and act, or even requesting her to view your profile, or a funny link she might like.
For example, you can say things like I am planning to go on beach this weekend, and thinking to get some eatables, but things can become more interesting, if I have you to join me? These types of questions act as really great call to actions.
Indirect Questions Sometimes questions that have to start from questions! They can also starting with giving your opinions first and then asking the opinion of other person.
Such as, commenting on the beauty of some particular city and then asking their point of view.
These are called indirect questions, but they don't feel like you are questions, they give more an impression of discussion.
eHarmony questions are very important to bring two people together the right way, but making ordinary thing extraordinary with your creativity and humor is the way to go to make extraordinary love stories.