Unlikely Partnerships Are Forged When An Ecological Consultant Is Required
For example, bats are likely to be the major issue for home extensions or loft conversions but they are also a major consideration in wind turbine developments, as are birds. Great crested newts can also be a major consideration for developers, if works are to be carried out within 500m of any water bodies suitable for great crested newts then survey work should be undertaken.
Many other protected species are also sometimes an issue, for example badgers, red squirrels, butterflies or other insects, water voles, otters, reptiles and plant species and special habitats that have become rare such as ancient woodland or grassland.
It's well advised to plan in advance when a development permit has the potential to be detrimental to a habitat. Not preparing for the eventuality can cost time and ultimately money. Having ecological consultants on your side can make sure that what might have started out as environmental destruction is turned into a habitat rebirth.
The role of an ecological consultant is to identify which issues are going to be problematic for a particular development. From inspection a consultant will recommend the surveys which will need to be carried out. This is often informed by carrying out an initial scoping or extended phase 1 survey, designed to give an ecological overview, making recommendations for further survey works that may be required.
As well as large private organisations utilising the benefits of ecological consultancy, councils, wildlife trusts and Natural England take advantage of their knowledge and expertise to undertake biodiversity audits and assessments of their landholdings.
Understandably, organisations don't want to have to worry about the ecological implications of such a project in-house. Surveys for protected species usually involve long and unsociable hours, especially during the summer, where a lot of nocturnal work is required for the likes of bats and great crested newt.
Also, if you want to become an ecological consultant and you've read this far and still like the idea, the general qualities such as teamwork, self-motivation and computer literacy will go a long way. To go that extra step, you should have an interest in animals and organic life, have a qualification in a biological subject, enjoy fieldwork and have a particular expertise in one or more groups of organisms.