What Is The Meaning Of Blogging - What, Why And How Of Blogging Explained In 15 Minutes
If we were to have some kind of definition is would be, "a way of collecting links to webpages and sharing thoughts and ideas with people online".
What Duh Heck Is Blogging Anyway? Its quite a mouthful I'm afraid but the key point is that you are able to write your thoughts very easily online and in full exposure to the public.
Think of it like a journal or online diary for just about anything.
com could define it better in a sense where they mention that its like sharing your own private thoughts or as memos to the world.
Now blogs contains interactive stuff like audio, music, images and even video.
Why Should You Blog For Any Matter? Lets face it, people are social beings and surfing can only get someone so far in terms of entertainment.
So, imagine that you found something interesting online like a webpage for example.
Just stick it to your blogsite or whatever and turn it into a strain of daily ideas and thoughts.
Heck, you could even make money off your blog.
In fact, that is the one main reason why more and more people pick up blogging every year.
How To Blog From Scratch? In as simple as you and I can go here, this is how you can do it:
Gosh, its so darn easy nowadays to start a blog and all you need is decide which blog company you want to use as your main blogging site.
As 'technical' as it seems, it really is the opposite.
Your blog is like a reflection of your personality and deciding on your layout and how your blogsite looks is key to your style of expression.
So now you're pretty much ready to get your first post up.
If you're not writer don't worry.
Just type whatever that comes to your mind no matter how crappy it looks.
You just write according to the way you talk about your interests.
Anymore complicated than this, you are basically way beyond the status of a total Internet or blogging newbie.
In closing, your style of expression and thoughts will finally help you understand what is the meaning of blogging in your own way.