How to Trim Dreads
- 1). Wash the dreads before trimming to ensure they are not greasy.
- 2). Secure the upper layer of dreads with a hair clip, so only the bottom layer of dreads are exposed for easy trimming.
- 3). Wrap the first rubber band around the dread approximately 1 inch above the end being trimmed.
- 4). Cut the dread with a sharp pair of scissors at an angle approximately 1 inch away from the rubber band, leaving room to twist the dread. Backcomb remaining loose hair up to the elastic band.
- 5). Twist the hair by rolling it with the fingers until ends are knotted.
- 6). Wrap the second rubber band around the new knotted tip and cut the first rubber band off. Keep the second rubber band in to prevent unraveling. Once the dread feels secure, the rubber band may be removed.
- 7). Remove the hair clip from the upper layer of dreads once the bottom layer is finished. Repeat the trimming process for the upper layer dreads.