What Are Some Supplements for Healthy Hair?
- Vitamin A is an important supplement for healthy hair. It helps the body to maintain normal development processes, such as growing hair. Beta-Carotene is a great way to get more Vitamin A, as it is eventually converted to Vitamin A by the body. Another benefit of Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene is that they are great for the nails as well as the skin.
- Hair is an essential supplement for healthy hair. This should make plenty of sense; hair is in fact made up of protein. As a matter of fact, it is dead protein once it passes the scalp. This is why protein is so important; a diet lacking in protein will result in thin, unhealthy hair. Protein aids in a healthy rate of growth but also helps to ensure that the hair that does grow is healthy and strong.
- While Inositol is not considered a vitamin, as it is not essential to human health, it is a helpful supplement for hair health. It promotes healthier cells, and many hair loss studies have showed a regrowth in hair by people who have taken Inositol supplements.