Anatomy of Pain
Did you know that chronic pain signals travel through the body slower than sensory touch signals? Well, it does and that is why so many people use massage as an adjunct to their pain management regimen.
Basically the therapists touch competes with the chronic pain signals traveling through the spinal cord (because that is the pathway for all nerve conduction) and touch wins, every time! While that may not mean no pain for you, it will definitely mean less pain for the duration of your massage and often for a period of time afterward.
Touch even competes with acute pain signals:(think: stub your toe here) and that is why we instinctively reach for our hurt digit and hold it until the pain lessens.
Or why mothers kiss a boo-boo.
The touch signal travels faster.
Unfortunately the cost of massage can be prohibitive for a lot of people.
One way to get around this is to find a massage school nearby.
You can often get a wonderful massage for a fraction of the cost given by a student who is overseen by an instructor.
Then of course, there is always the option of asking a friend or partner for a back massage.
If you go that route you may want to be prepared and have some massage oil so that their hands will glide properly.
Nothing worse than having your skin pinched from inadequate oil or lotion.
And while we're on the subject of chronic pain, have you ever noticed how tense your muscles get when hit by an arctic blast? Even our posture changes as we walk hunched over trying to protect ourselves from sub zero temperatures.
If we have to stand out in the cold for any length of time we begin to shiver, often with wire tense muscles.
What that can add up to is pain later on once we thaw out.
The very best treatment is prevention, which means placing comfort before fashion.
I'm always amazed at how my adult children will dress their little ones to the hilt in the cold, but often wear only a fleece themselves.
They laugh at me when I wear two sets of pants and a pair of tights and my LL Bean jacket that is good for 40 below when I go walking during sub zero temperatures but I don't care.
I know that layers are what keep you warm and believe me, I layer like crazy!.
So the next time you find yourself rubbing your shoulders and wondering how they got so sore, ask yourself how warm you are when you go out.
The answer may surprise you.
Basically the therapists touch competes with the chronic pain signals traveling through the spinal cord (because that is the pathway for all nerve conduction) and touch wins, every time! While that may not mean no pain for you, it will definitely mean less pain for the duration of your massage and often for a period of time afterward.
Touch even competes with acute pain signals:(think: stub your toe here) and that is why we instinctively reach for our hurt digit and hold it until the pain lessens.
Or why mothers kiss a boo-boo.
The touch signal travels faster.
Unfortunately the cost of massage can be prohibitive for a lot of people.
One way to get around this is to find a massage school nearby.
You can often get a wonderful massage for a fraction of the cost given by a student who is overseen by an instructor.
Then of course, there is always the option of asking a friend or partner for a back massage.
If you go that route you may want to be prepared and have some massage oil so that their hands will glide properly.
Nothing worse than having your skin pinched from inadequate oil or lotion.
And while we're on the subject of chronic pain, have you ever noticed how tense your muscles get when hit by an arctic blast? Even our posture changes as we walk hunched over trying to protect ourselves from sub zero temperatures.
If we have to stand out in the cold for any length of time we begin to shiver, often with wire tense muscles.
What that can add up to is pain later on once we thaw out.
The very best treatment is prevention, which means placing comfort before fashion.
I'm always amazed at how my adult children will dress their little ones to the hilt in the cold, but often wear only a fleece themselves.
They laugh at me when I wear two sets of pants and a pair of tights and my LL Bean jacket that is good for 40 below when I go walking during sub zero temperatures but I don't care.
I know that layers are what keep you warm and believe me, I layer like crazy!.
So the next time you find yourself rubbing your shoulders and wondering how they got so sore, ask yourself how warm you are when you go out.
The answer may surprise you.