How to Install Rapid Wall Insulated Skirting
Things You'll Need
1Using a shovel, scrape away vegetation and rocks that are directly below the sides of the manufactured home. Rake this area to level it as much as much as possible.
Suspend a plumb bob from the side of the home. Place the tip of the plumb bob on the back vertical leg of the F-channel that comes with the Rapid Wall installation pack. Fasten the F-channel to the ground with spikes that come in the installation kit. You don’t have to put a spike in every hole in the F-channel.
Mark the line where you intend to install the top track rail with a chalk line. Use a carpenter’s level to help keep the line level.
Attach the back half of the top track rail to the house’s exterior using the nail that came in the assembly kit. Do not hammer the nails all the way in. This gives the rail room to expand and contract as the temperature changes. Leave approximately a quarter inch of space between rails to allow for expansion as well.
Measure the distance between the top track rail and F-channel. Because that distance can vary, write down the various heights.
Cut insulated skirting panels to fit, starting with the tallest panels first, using a circular saw with a fine-toothed blade installed backwards. Make cuts on the bottom of the panel only.
Set a panel into the track and F-channel. Push at least three locking tabs from both the top and bottom tracks into the panel to hold it in place. Slide the next panel into place against the first one. Lock its tabs in place. Continue setting the rest of the panels in a similar manner.
Push the front half of the top track rail into the back half until you hear it snap into place. Repeat for all of the rails around the perimeter of the house.