TEMA OIL REFINERY PALAVA * • President Mills Assures Workers of Urgent Supply of Crude Oil
President Mills said this in anticipation of long awaited oil supply from Sahara Company of Nigeria, following the agitation of the workers that gained a lot of media attentions.
President Mills added that his administration would use all diplomatic means to ensure that crude oil will not be a problem for his government.
Prof. Mills was speaking with the workers of Tema Oil Refinery Company during his visit to the company last week to have first at hand, the problems the company was facing.
According to the workers, some top officials in the presidency, especially from the Ministry of Energy were said to be hijacking the supply of crude oil into the country.
They accused government officials of interfering the operations of the company, and went ahead to dictate for the management of the company.
Prof. Mills called on the workers to be calmed and that "all allegations would be investigated and appropriate actions are instituted irrespectful of whom the person is the law must apply".
The president was very optimistic about the crude oil supply into the country, and the agitation of TOR workers and promise that the situation would be laid to rest and government was taking steps to address them.
The workers also called on the president to warn his minister and his colleagues to stop interfering in the operations of the company.
When asked about the debt inherited by TOR by one of the workers during question time, the president said he has directed Ecobank Ghana Limited to deal with the issue.
President J.E.A. Mills has assured the workers of his support and cooperation to deal with issues of national interest since he was elected by the people and would listen to the people.
In his address to the workers, the president of the Workers Union of TOR, Mr. Albert Pinto said the president visit made a significant impact in the company.
He added that Tema Oil Refinery Company was the first company in the country to received the president since he took office in January.