How To Avoid The Trap Of The Private Student Loans?
When you do not have the federal loans to support your education, then you can opt for the private student loans. Acquiring such loans can be rather a simple process. The repayment period however starts before you even calculate what the monthly amount can be for repayment. And in case after you graduate from high school and the starting salary in your job is less than what you have anticipated earlier, and then it is important that you consider the consolidation of the loans taken for the purpose of higher education so as to bring the repayment into a more manageable format.
If you are wondering why there is so much of negative feedback about the private student loans all around, then the answer is also simple. Consolidation of the private loan cannot be combined with the federal education loan. In case you have taken up a private loan, then you have to manage it with the private loan consolidation only.
When you plan to consolidate the private student loans, you will actually be resetting the terms of the loan which would result in reducing the monthly repayments to a considerably lower amount than before. In such cases, the rate of interest is not reduced or lowered, but if your credit score improves from the earlier position since you applied for the student loan, then you might even get a reduced rate of interest during the consolidation of the education loan. If you make regular payments of your educational loan, then your credit scores are likely to improve by 100 points or more. And this will certainly offer you a lower rate of interest in terms of the consolidation of the educational loan.
It is advised that you check with your existing bank whether your student loan can be consolidated into a lower rate of interest before you transfer it to another bank. They might help you rather than lose their business to other banks. Also when applying for a consolidation loan, make sure to check whether the loan is fixed or variable.