Ten Super Foods
As well as the best diet pills out there, available on the diet pill review websites, there are many super foods, which help the body to work at its optimum best.
Here are ten of the top super foods.
Brocolli This is a vegetable, which should be consumed regularly.
This vegetable protects the heart and boosts the digestive system.
Its deep green colour means that it contains beta-carotene, a very effective antioxidant that helps to rid the body of free radicals.
Salmon Salmon is known as an oily fish, and others oily fishes are tuna and mackerel.
Oily fish contains essential fatty acids, known as omega 3 fatty acids, which help to keep the heart healthy, as well as help to burn the bad saturated fats in the body.
Tofu This vegetarian friendly protein rich food contains phytoestrogens, which help to protect the heart.
As it is a plain food, it may be marinated to add flavour.
Tomatoes Tomatoes are vitamin rich and contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that may help to prevent prostate cancer.
It is a versatile and tasty food, which can be used to flavour salads, pizzas, and bolognese dishes.
Berries Berries of any kind, including blackberries, gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries, goji berries, contain high amounts of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which help to rid the body of toxins.
They are also tasty, low in calories, help to curb sugar craving, and may be used in many dessert dishes.
Nuts and Seeds Just a small handful of nuts contain mono-saturated fats, which help to burn off the bad fats in the body, protein which helps the body feel fuller, and seeds, especially pumpkins seeds contain omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids which help to protect the heart, can reduce blood pressure, and give a skin a healthy glow.
Peppers Peppers are crunchy, tasty, and can be added to salads and stir frys, not only to add a little colour to meals, but to boost the vitamins and minerals in the body.
They are available in a variety of colours: red, green, yellow, and purple in some health stores.
Peppers contain vitamin C; they are low in calories, and give a healthy boost to the skin.
Apple There are a large variety of apples available, some sour, some sweet and crunchy, and others, perfect for baking.
Apples can be eaten completely, even the core and pips.
The skin of apples contains pectin, a fibrous skin that picks up toxins in the body and expels them through the large intestine.
They are low in calories, a perfect healthy snack, and contain natural sugars, which keep the blood sugar levels on an even keel.
Grapefruit Grapefruits contain almost 90% water, so they are filling and nutritious.
They are known as a slimmers food and research has shown that eaten thirty minutes before a meal they can help the body consume less food.
They are available in both yellow and pink, although the latter are a little sweeter.
The skin of a grapefruit contains pectin, which is very effective at removing toxins from the body.
Sweet potato These taste very different from normal potatoes, and eaten with their skins on are highly nutritious.
They contain beta-carotene because of their rich colour, as well as fibre and vitamins.
They are delicious in a stir-fry or roasted with black pepper.
These foods are effective to consume with a dietary plan and from researching the diet pill review websites, can help you find the best diet pills out there to burn off the bad fats in the body.
Here are ten of the top super foods.
Brocolli This is a vegetable, which should be consumed regularly.
This vegetable protects the heart and boosts the digestive system.
Its deep green colour means that it contains beta-carotene, a very effective antioxidant that helps to rid the body of free radicals.
Salmon Salmon is known as an oily fish, and others oily fishes are tuna and mackerel.
Oily fish contains essential fatty acids, known as omega 3 fatty acids, which help to keep the heart healthy, as well as help to burn the bad saturated fats in the body.
Tofu This vegetarian friendly protein rich food contains phytoestrogens, which help to protect the heart.
As it is a plain food, it may be marinated to add flavour.
Tomatoes Tomatoes are vitamin rich and contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that may help to prevent prostate cancer.
It is a versatile and tasty food, which can be used to flavour salads, pizzas, and bolognese dishes.
Berries Berries of any kind, including blackberries, gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries, goji berries, contain high amounts of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which help to rid the body of toxins.
They are also tasty, low in calories, help to curb sugar craving, and may be used in many dessert dishes.
Nuts and Seeds Just a small handful of nuts contain mono-saturated fats, which help to burn off the bad fats in the body, protein which helps the body feel fuller, and seeds, especially pumpkins seeds contain omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids which help to protect the heart, can reduce blood pressure, and give a skin a healthy glow.
Peppers Peppers are crunchy, tasty, and can be added to salads and stir frys, not only to add a little colour to meals, but to boost the vitamins and minerals in the body.
They are available in a variety of colours: red, green, yellow, and purple in some health stores.
Peppers contain vitamin C; they are low in calories, and give a healthy boost to the skin.
Apple There are a large variety of apples available, some sour, some sweet and crunchy, and others, perfect for baking.
Apples can be eaten completely, even the core and pips.
The skin of apples contains pectin, a fibrous skin that picks up toxins in the body and expels them through the large intestine.
They are low in calories, a perfect healthy snack, and contain natural sugars, which keep the blood sugar levels on an even keel.
Grapefruit Grapefruits contain almost 90% water, so they are filling and nutritious.
They are known as a slimmers food and research has shown that eaten thirty minutes before a meal they can help the body consume less food.
They are available in both yellow and pink, although the latter are a little sweeter.
The skin of a grapefruit contains pectin, which is very effective at removing toxins from the body.
Sweet potato These taste very different from normal potatoes, and eaten with their skins on are highly nutritious.
They contain beta-carotene because of their rich colour, as well as fibre and vitamins.
They are delicious in a stir-fry or roasted with black pepper.
These foods are effective to consume with a dietary plan and from researching the diet pill review websites, can help you find the best diet pills out there to burn off the bad fats in the body.