Spice it Up! Variety in the Swinging Lifestyle
Be open minded and unafraid to venture out to try something new.
Something somewhat different! Never compromise what you truly desire but don't allow yourself to be so superficial that you are limited to only those types that you have experienced in the past.
Living the lifestyle is for those whom are free spirited and open to try new experiences with very few restrictions.
Why restrict yourself? You are not seeking a life long partner, someone to complete you.
You are simply seeking friendship including no strings attached consensual sex.
I agree that attraction is essential and I am in no way suggesting that you engage in an encounter with someone simply because it's someone new, something different.
But, realize that attraction presents itself in many forms.
Allow yourself the opportunity to communicate, to learn more before dismissing a prospect superficially.
I strongly advise being selective but being too picky will only refrain you from experiencing all the bells and whistles that this awesome lifestyle can offer you.
Choose variety! Spice it up!