What Is a TRP Springfield Pistol?
- TRP pistols came standard with a 7-round magazine capacity and a 5-inch barrel. The operation of this pistol is identical to the traditional model 1911 pistols. The pistols feature a wide-mouth magazine which helps assure smoothness with ammunition feeding. TRP pistols also feature three-dot Tritium sights -- which glow in the dark -- to help you aim in low light conditions.
- The light rail TRP model features a rail mount in front of the trigger housing and adjustable sights. This rail can be used to mount accessories to the front of the pistol, such as flashlights or laser sights. The light model is only available with the Teflon finish.
- TRP pistols are available with a stainless steel finish or with Springfield Armory's Teflon finish. The advantage of the Teflon finish is greater resistance to corrosion and smoother action. The grips on TRP pistols are checkered to prevent slippage while handling the pistol.