The Media: Creating The Illusion Of Perfection
One of the things that the mainstream Media likes to create is the illusion of perfection.
This is primarily through what is known as 'celebrities' and these could be: singers, actors, musicians, models and many other roles.
Here it could be an individual or even a couple.
Their lifestyle is being exposed to whoever will take notice; with either their whole life or a specific part being the point of focus.
Areas Of Perfection One of the Medias main points, are the relationships that celebrities have.
This could be presented by itself, but it will often be attached to the other areas of their life to add significance.
Another area is to do with their physical appearance and what they wear.
Although men and women are included here, women are more likely to be under the spotlight.
Career is also prominent in how celebrities are presented.
What they have done or are doing is often seen as the ultimate achievement.
Facts Or Perceptions There are certain cars or even houses that look pleasing to the eye from every position or view.
And there are others that only look good from a certain view point.
In this situation it is possible to walk around the car of the house to see every part.
This enables one to form a balanced opinion and this is due to one seeing the complete picture.
Any illusions or assumptions can be laid to rest.
One Side When it comes to the Medias portrayal of people in the media, this opportunity is seldom available.
Unless the Medias love affair has ended or is coming to an end with this person or people that were in favour.
All that is typically seen is the side that the media want to expose and this is often, one of perfection.
The Process Of Perfection Perfection is often displayed as a destination, but is it really a destination of is it a process? What is classed perfection at one moment is seen as imperfect the next.
The styles and fashion of one moment can be labelled as shocking the next.
''Trying to achieve perfection is a bit like trying to get to the end of a rainbow, not only is it impossible, it also doesn't exist.
'' It is also possible for one to have achieved something that might be considered as being perfect in one area of their life, only to have many others areas that could be classed as imperfect.
Absolutes Although logically one might know that perfection doesn't exist, with the help of the media, the ego mind will begin to perceive the media figures as being perfect.
To the ego mind, everything is either black or white; there is no middle ground.
And due to this being the ego minds modus operandi, seeing perfection is a natural consequence here.
The Attraction In order for one to be caught by these illusions in the first place, there has to be an attraction there.
And what these external expressions of perfection become, is the mirror for all that one has yet to realise within themselves.
For is these people didn't display what one believed they were lacking at some level; then the attraction wouldn't be there.
And if it was there, it wouldn't be as obsessive or as addictive to people - it might be more of an appreciation or a simple acknowledgment.
Wants And Needs The types of people and particular aspects that are valued can change in the media and this is partly due to what is going on in the collective consciousness.
This can depend on the period and the emotional climate.
And although the finer details may be different, like the clothes that they were or the language they use etc; what is generally the same, is the emotional wants and needs that they are fulfilling in the collective.
So, having a loving relationship, being perceived as beautiful and having an enjoyable career are needs that have been around for many, many, years Identification Ones ego mind is then likely to identify with what is being portrayed in the media and feel the same feelings and the emotions, through the experiences of these celebrities.
This is not negative per se, it is a natural part of life and how we are inspired and grow as human beings.
It can become dysfunctional, when we are unaware of this process and see another as having something, which, we do not have.
Imperfection What can also occur is that when these media ideals have fallen out of favour, as I have briefly mentioned above, is that they will be perceived as being imperfect.
And if one has been elevated to the highs of being perfect, then the lows of being imperfect will seem very low indeed.
In reality, it is most likely that they have displayed different sides of their nature, the sides that are not as well developed, or the sides that the majority of people in a society disapprove of.
Repulsion Attraction may not longer be there and perfection may no longer be seen, it could be imperfection and repulsion now.
And all that one doesn't like about their own nature and has therefore denied, rejected and repressed out of their awareness; will now be projected onto the Medias fallen heroes.
The Ego Mind There are many different processes at work here, from identification, projection, idealisation and many others.
Some of the people in the media may be examples of perfection within a certain area or areas and this will have come about through persistence to get to where they are and persistence in staying there.
Conclusion To see others as examples of what can be achieved is beneficial and inspiring.
However, we are all different and cannot compare out journey to the journey of other human beings.
On one side there is the task of realising our own potential and with that seeing others in a more balanced way.
And on the other side, there are the negative parts that we have repressed in ourselves and projected onto others; that also need to be integrated And as we become more accepting of our own 'perfect' and 'imperfect' sides, we will be more aware of the ego minds tendency to see life in absolutes.
This is primarily through what is known as 'celebrities' and these could be: singers, actors, musicians, models and many other roles.
Here it could be an individual or even a couple.
Their lifestyle is being exposed to whoever will take notice; with either their whole life or a specific part being the point of focus.
Areas Of Perfection One of the Medias main points, are the relationships that celebrities have.
This could be presented by itself, but it will often be attached to the other areas of their life to add significance.
Another area is to do with their physical appearance and what they wear.
Although men and women are included here, women are more likely to be under the spotlight.
Career is also prominent in how celebrities are presented.
What they have done or are doing is often seen as the ultimate achievement.
Facts Or Perceptions There are certain cars or even houses that look pleasing to the eye from every position or view.
And there are others that only look good from a certain view point.
In this situation it is possible to walk around the car of the house to see every part.
This enables one to form a balanced opinion and this is due to one seeing the complete picture.
Any illusions or assumptions can be laid to rest.
One Side When it comes to the Medias portrayal of people in the media, this opportunity is seldom available.
Unless the Medias love affair has ended or is coming to an end with this person or people that were in favour.
All that is typically seen is the side that the media want to expose and this is often, one of perfection.
The Process Of Perfection Perfection is often displayed as a destination, but is it really a destination of is it a process? What is classed perfection at one moment is seen as imperfect the next.
The styles and fashion of one moment can be labelled as shocking the next.
''Trying to achieve perfection is a bit like trying to get to the end of a rainbow, not only is it impossible, it also doesn't exist.
'' It is also possible for one to have achieved something that might be considered as being perfect in one area of their life, only to have many others areas that could be classed as imperfect.
Absolutes Although logically one might know that perfection doesn't exist, with the help of the media, the ego mind will begin to perceive the media figures as being perfect.
To the ego mind, everything is either black or white; there is no middle ground.
And due to this being the ego minds modus operandi, seeing perfection is a natural consequence here.
The Attraction In order for one to be caught by these illusions in the first place, there has to be an attraction there.
And what these external expressions of perfection become, is the mirror for all that one has yet to realise within themselves.
For is these people didn't display what one believed they were lacking at some level; then the attraction wouldn't be there.
And if it was there, it wouldn't be as obsessive or as addictive to people - it might be more of an appreciation or a simple acknowledgment.
Wants And Needs The types of people and particular aspects that are valued can change in the media and this is partly due to what is going on in the collective consciousness.
This can depend on the period and the emotional climate.
And although the finer details may be different, like the clothes that they were or the language they use etc; what is generally the same, is the emotional wants and needs that they are fulfilling in the collective.
So, having a loving relationship, being perceived as beautiful and having an enjoyable career are needs that have been around for many, many, years Identification Ones ego mind is then likely to identify with what is being portrayed in the media and feel the same feelings and the emotions, through the experiences of these celebrities.
This is not negative per se, it is a natural part of life and how we are inspired and grow as human beings.
It can become dysfunctional, when we are unaware of this process and see another as having something, which, we do not have.
Imperfection What can also occur is that when these media ideals have fallen out of favour, as I have briefly mentioned above, is that they will be perceived as being imperfect.
And if one has been elevated to the highs of being perfect, then the lows of being imperfect will seem very low indeed.
In reality, it is most likely that they have displayed different sides of their nature, the sides that are not as well developed, or the sides that the majority of people in a society disapprove of.
Repulsion Attraction may not longer be there and perfection may no longer be seen, it could be imperfection and repulsion now.
And all that one doesn't like about their own nature and has therefore denied, rejected and repressed out of their awareness; will now be projected onto the Medias fallen heroes.
The Ego Mind There are many different processes at work here, from identification, projection, idealisation and many others.
Some of the people in the media may be examples of perfection within a certain area or areas and this will have come about through persistence to get to where they are and persistence in staying there.
Conclusion To see others as examples of what can be achieved is beneficial and inspiring.
However, we are all different and cannot compare out journey to the journey of other human beings.
On one side there is the task of realising our own potential and with that seeing others in a more balanced way.
And on the other side, there are the negative parts that we have repressed in ourselves and projected onto others; that also need to be integrated And as we become more accepting of our own 'perfect' and 'imperfect' sides, we will be more aware of the ego minds tendency to see life in absolutes.