Work From Home Stuffing Envelopes Review
A lot of people email and ask me on a daily basis about envelope stuffing jobs and I tell them to run as far away as they can and to never look back and here's why.
Most envelope mailing jobs are nothing but frauds and scams because if you actually take a minute to sit and think about it you would realize that no company or business is going to pay us $2 for each envelope that we post.
Don't fall for that kind of talk because I did which is why I am witting this short article to help prevent you guys from being fooled too.
If you ever come across a Website which requires a start up fee to start an envelope stuffing job then get as far away as you can.
I remember a few months back when I came across a site which looked 100% legitimate and it disguised itself as a real big business and company so I decided to get involved and sent away my $50 in cash for a membership fee.
A few days turned into a few weeks and then a few weeks turned into months and there was still no response and I actually never received any work at all.
It just goes to show that no matter how legitimate or real a company looks, anything is possible and never let yourself be fooled by this because It's most probably nothing but another way to drag you in and get you pulling out that credit card again.
I hope this short article has been informative and I really hope I save you guys some money in the future with these work from home stuffing envelope frauds.
It's important for you to remember that the only way an envelope stuffing job is legitimate is if you can earn commission on sales and these types of companies usually don't charge to get started.
Most envelope mailing jobs are nothing but frauds and scams because if you actually take a minute to sit and think about it you would realize that no company or business is going to pay us $2 for each envelope that we post.
Don't fall for that kind of talk because I did which is why I am witting this short article to help prevent you guys from being fooled too.
If you ever come across a Website which requires a start up fee to start an envelope stuffing job then get as far away as you can.
I remember a few months back when I came across a site which looked 100% legitimate and it disguised itself as a real big business and company so I decided to get involved and sent away my $50 in cash for a membership fee.
A few days turned into a few weeks and then a few weeks turned into months and there was still no response and I actually never received any work at all.
It just goes to show that no matter how legitimate or real a company looks, anything is possible and never let yourself be fooled by this because It's most probably nothing but another way to drag you in and get you pulling out that credit card again.
I hope this short article has been informative and I really hope I save you guys some money in the future with these work from home stuffing envelope frauds.
It's important for you to remember that the only way an envelope stuffing job is legitimate is if you can earn commission on sales and these types of companies usually don't charge to get started.