How to Complete the Yearbook on "Bully"
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Just like a real yearbook, your "Bully" yearbook ultimately displays all students' pictures.Comstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images
Complete Photography II. Your "Bully" adventures require you to complete certain courses. Before unlocking the Yearbook feature, you must first complete this course. Robert Allen Rusk, in his comprehensive strategy guide, reveals that the course's first few sessions occur on the fourth day of Chapter One, but the course itself isn't complete until Chapter Three. - 2
Your controller's "Select" button (which varies by console) opens the Pause menu.Jupiterimages/ Images
Access your "Pause" menu by pressing your controller's "Select" button. Unlock the Yearbook feature in this menu. - 3
Be ready--the first Yearbook task is a timed one.Polka Dot Images/Polka Dot/Getty Images
Snap and return three student pictures. This first mission of the Yearbook feature is timed. - 4
You'll collect photographs for the Yearkbook throughout the game.Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Take pictures of students you meet and with whom you interact throughout the game. Take photos of the friendlier students first, and then, after gaining respect throughout the game, move on to the more combative peers. In order to collect all sixty-one photos, you should frequent popular hangouts. - 5
Diligently taking photographs throughout the game assures successful completion of the Yearbook feature.James Woodson/Digital Vision/Getty Images
Complete the final Main Story Mission. If, at this time, you've successfully captured all sixty-one photographs, you've successfully completed the Yearbook mission. Congratulations! You've unlocked a "ninja" invisibility cloak, granting you pardon from certain punishments and curfews.