The Role Of The Line Manager In Facilitating Corporate Change
Organizational change takes place in companies on a regular basis. In industry as with personal life, more or less one and only thing that stays constant is change and change is truly part of existence whether we enjoy it or not. That is not to imply that change is always desired and a lot of folks battle to receive alterations in the work environment.
It is often a lot easier for people to accept change when they're the instigators of the idea, particularly if it is a happy affair like getting married, for example. With regards to the work environment, though, changes instigated by the powers that be are not always welcomed with enthusiasm by employees. Many reasons exist for this which we will not go into here. Suffice it to say, resistance to change on the part of employees can be one of the biggest hurdles facing a company undergoing corporate transformation.
Nevertheless, because the modifications must to all intents and purposes come about it's necessary to get reluctant staff members onboard with the operation. Line supervisors and managers are the link between upper management on one side and the employees who have to do the work on the other, and, as such are crucial in seeing to it that the directions from top management are carried out. That being said, line supervisors and managers can easily find themselves sandwiched between unwilling employees on the one hand and upper management that is gunning for transformation on the other hand.
While there are consultants around these days who are skilled in the implementation of organizational transformation, the line manager or supervisor nevertheless performs a pivotal role in the supervision of corporate change on a grass roots level. To a large degree, the role of the line supervisor or manager with regards to corporate transformation involves interacting with and assisting staff members to come to terms with the changes that need to be made, and there are a number of ways they can accomplish this. A good way to assist staff to agree to corporate change is to have a transformation management strategy that entails 'unfreezing', modifying and 'refreezing' employee behaviour.
The strategy involves encouraging employees to 'unfreeze' from their current favored beliefs and habits by using communication tools such as presentations and conversation - either one-on-one or by means of groups, memorandums and newsletters, for example. Using this method, employees can come to understand the need for transformation. At this point it's very important for the manager to stress the benefits and positive effects which will come from making the transition.
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Once the employees are cognizant of the benefits of making the transformation and have become receptive to the idea the focus may then be placed on implementing the changes that have to be made. The best way to make sure this changeover is smooth is to make sure the staff is properly trained in any new processes and procedures ahead of time. The reason behind this is that proper training can give them the expertise to make the transition smoothly from the operations point of view. After the alterations have been effected, however, line supervisors must continue to provide help and motivation in the long run so that the 'refreezing', which involves the reinforcement of the positive aspects and benefits of the change, can happen.
It is often a lot easier for people to accept change when they're the instigators of the idea, particularly if it is a happy affair like getting married, for example. With regards to the work environment, though, changes instigated by the powers that be are not always welcomed with enthusiasm by employees. Many reasons exist for this which we will not go into here. Suffice it to say, resistance to change on the part of employees can be one of the biggest hurdles facing a company undergoing corporate transformation.
Nevertheless, because the modifications must to all intents and purposes come about it's necessary to get reluctant staff members onboard with the operation. Line supervisors and managers are the link between upper management on one side and the employees who have to do the work on the other, and, as such are crucial in seeing to it that the directions from top management are carried out. That being said, line supervisors and managers can easily find themselves sandwiched between unwilling employees on the one hand and upper management that is gunning for transformation on the other hand.
While there are consultants around these days who are skilled in the implementation of organizational transformation, the line manager or supervisor nevertheless performs a pivotal role in the supervision of corporate change on a grass roots level. To a large degree, the role of the line supervisor or manager with regards to corporate transformation involves interacting with and assisting staff members to come to terms with the changes that need to be made, and there are a number of ways they can accomplish this. A good way to assist staff to agree to corporate change is to have a transformation management strategy that entails 'unfreezing', modifying and 'refreezing' employee behaviour.
The strategy involves encouraging employees to 'unfreeze' from their current favored beliefs and habits by using communication tools such as presentations and conversation - either one-on-one or by means of groups, memorandums and newsletters, for example. Using this method, employees can come to understand the need for transformation. At this point it's very important for the manager to stress the benefits and positive effects which will come from making the transition.
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Once the employees are cognizant of the benefits of making the transformation and have become receptive to the idea the focus may then be placed on implementing the changes that have to be made. The best way to make sure this changeover is smooth is to make sure the staff is properly trained in any new processes and procedures ahead of time. The reason behind this is that proper training can give them the expertise to make the transition smoothly from the operations point of view. After the alterations have been effected, however, line supervisors must continue to provide help and motivation in the long run so that the 'refreezing', which involves the reinforcement of the positive aspects and benefits of the change, can happen.