Bridging the Gap Between Home & School
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Communication is an important part of staying involved in your child's education.Jupiterimages, Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty Images
Communicate with your child's teacher. Ask questions and get to know her. Whether your child is starting school for the first time, starting a new school, or just starting in a new classroom it is important to get to know her teacher, learn about her goals and methods, and open up an initial line of communication. This will pave the way for a successful school year. You can set up a parent-teacher meeting or talk to her during Back-to-School Night. - 2
Calendars will help you stay organized.Thinkstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images
Keep a calendar of school events. Most schools will send home a monthly calendar listing all of the events for that month. You can simply attach that calendar to the refrigerator or copy the information onto a day planner, wall calendar, iPad, or whatever is easiest for you. Having this information easily accessible will help you to stay on top of what can otherwise feel like an overwhelming number of events. - 3
Helping out for field trips will make your child feel special.Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images
Volunteer for school events. Even parents who work full time should be able to volunteer for an event or two throughout the school year. Help out during a classroom party, chaperone a field trip, make cookies for the bake sale or help set up or clean up for the school dance. There are a number of opportunities to get involved and doing so shows both your child and his school that you care. These events also provide extra opportunities to speak with his teacher. - 4
The internet is a great tool for staying connected to your child's school.David Sacks/Lifesize/Getty Images
Utilize technology. Most schools have a website and many of them have a Facebook page. These are helpful for parents to stay connected to the school, regardless of their schedules. If your schedule does not allow for face to face meetings with your child's teacher, ask for her email address and contact her that way.