Lifestyle Changes for Pre-Diabetes!
This means that you're likely to develop type 2 diabetes within 10 years unless you adopt a healthier lifestyle.
You may always be inching toward the edge, but Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle disease: You can always watch where you're stepping.
By losing a mere 7 percent of your body weight by using Body fat weight scales, avoiding added simple sugars by taking sugar free Recipes for diabetics, added syrups, any grain but 100 percent whole grains, saturated and trans fats and exercising only 150 minutes a week, you can bring your blood-sugar levels back to normal.
If you're normal, you're, well, normal.
You technically don't have prediabetes, though you'll always have the genes for it and will be at risk.
But you'll never have to have the disease or its consequences.
It is important to know if you have prediabetes, because research has shown that some long-term complications associated with diabetes - such as heart disease and nerve damage - may begin during prediabetes The good news is that studies show that people with pre-diabetes can prevent the development of type 2 diabetes with a combination of reaching and maintaining a healthy weight, choosing healthy foods and Diabetic meals, and getting regular exercise.
Your doctor may also want you to use medications to delay the onset of diabetes.
Research has shown that if you take steps to manage your blood glucose with Diabetes test strips when you have prediabetes, you can delay or prevent type 2 diabetes from developing.
You may be able to reduce blood glucose levels with simple lifestyle changes, such as increasing your physical activity and enjoying a healthy, low-fat meal plan.
Losing Weight A weight loss of as little as 5% to 10% can make a big difference in your blood sugar levels because it reduces insulin resistance.
To find the right Diabetic meal plans for you, talk to your doctor or nutritionist.
Making Healthy Food Choices To choose healthy foods for yourself and your family, follow these basic principles: • Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, especially non-starchy vegetables and Sugar free recipes like green beans, spinach, and carrots.
• Select whole grain breads, rice, and pasta.
• Don't forget dried beans and lentils.
• Have fish 2-3 times a week.
• Think lean when you select cuts of meat, and remove the skin from chicken and turkey.
• Go for low-fat and non-fat dairy products, such as milk, yogurt, and cheese.
• Avoid regular soda and other sweetened drinks.
Instead, drink water and calorie-free diet drinks.
• Eat fats in moderation, and avoid trans fats.
Getting Exercise Try to exercise for 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week.
Which type of exercise is best? Anything that gets you up and moving.
That includes jogging, swimming, biking, aerobics, walking, and dancing.
You can also count strenuous housework like vacuuming and washing floors and windows, and yard work such as mowing the lawn with a push mower or gardening and after that monitor your fat with Body fat monitor and scale.
Medications In conjunction with these lifestyle changes, your doctor may recommend medication, such as metformin and another group of drugs called thiazolidinediones, which have been shown to delay the onset of diabetes.